So in the last episode Mark goes head to head with a full fledged Viltrumite and gets worked. As he should. But how is it after Nolan tells him to fight serious and fight to kill does he start to beat her. In Viltrumite biology isn’t it equal to an adult fighting a baby. Mark is only what 18 Earth years old, and his opponent had to have been at least what 100+? So how is it even close. And he has no training while she was a full fledged warrior. Now if it was like DBZ where half breeds are stronger maybe so but that’s not it.

  • SadDisplay4035@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Mark didn’t win, he also didn’t lose. This question has been asked enough so I’m going to give a long explanation.

    Thula might be an experienced viltrumite, she may well have been fighting for hundred of years maybe even thousands. But she’s also fighting people who are no threat, think about the bugs, you barely even touch them and they die.

    That’s what most of the universe is to a viltrumite, insects, mark on the other hand has only just received his powers and has slowly been gaining the strength and durability that comes with them, he’s fought while having to apply himself fully because he was still weak and many things were a threat he’s applied himself and had to break through his normal limits. He’s also had to learn to fight with restraint and control because not everyone is on his level and he doesn’t want to kill them.

    Mark has been training in abstract ways that increase his control and power. thula has been slaughtering insects or doing very little. for reasons I won’t explain we can almost certainly assume that until now very few viltrumites ever see each other and definitely don’t train together. every one of them is complacent and out of practice when fighting something that can put up any form of resistance. (At least for now)

    Mark wasn’t about to kill Thula, that scene where she’s given up, she’s barely injured we’ve seen what a viltrumite can take and still get back up, she might look like she’s scared and she probably is, she was expecting to walk all over him and he’s putting up a damn good fight but if mark didn’t freeze the fight wouldn’t have ended there, he’d have beat her down and she’d get back up and repay him in kind. They could have fought for hours and mark would probably have lost eventually but he has the practice and the strength to put up a fight Thula might have won with experience in the end but we will never know because mark froze, and even if he didn’t Nolan would have joined in after ending his fight and together they would kill her.

  • 1_dont_care@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Anyway, idk if it is spoiler, but where is it even stated that older = stronger for viltrumites?

    Honestly i thought they develop their strenght at some point and keep it at the peak for their life… but i don’t think they are dragon ball characters, without any limits.

    But yeah, that woman should have +2000 years of battle experiences at least