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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023

  • SadDisplay4035@alien.topBtoInvincibleWho outlives who
    10 months ago

    Theres definitely some limit but they age slower as they get older and Oliver is likely proof that the aging is not a linear increase but exponential.

    Maybe if they reach 100 physically they age at 1 year per million. I mean I doubt it but it’s technically possible, and if viltrum was always so violent maybe even they don’t know the limits of their age because they die in battle.

    Again I doubt it it’s just technically possible and the fact that eve can just make him young again is a bigger reason to suspect the couple are functionally immortal if they so choose.

  • SadDisplay4035@alien.topBtoInvincibleWho outlives who
    10 months ago

    Assuming mark ever got to that age.

    she can direct her attention and purposefully alter others during that healing period so if mark were ever to get seriously injured or crippled, but survive, she would likely return him to peak health and that might put him backwards in age too.

  • SadDisplay4035@alien.topBtoInvinciblehow did this happen?
    10 months ago

    viltrumites get harder and harder to kill, this seems to be a matter of experience, the more they’re damaged the more resilient they become. Over time this means that the viltrumites who fight the most become the most powerful. At least that’s how it seems.

    Mark was beaten down by the mauler twins but aside from being a little concussed he was mainly fine. The mauler twins seem to be entirely strength based, low speed, low durability but high strength. So the fact it hurts him a bit (it took a lot of punches to knock him out) is no surprise, the fact he lets them hit him is the surprising part but unless he was to tear them to pieces he has no way to effectively disable them.

    Sadly mark is one of those no killing superheroes so the number advantage and high strength had him at a loss.

    I’d love to see a version of mark like the alternate reality versions fight the same villains for comparison purposes.

  • SadDisplay4035@alien.topBtoInvincibleMC armor?
    10 months ago

    Mark didn’t win, he also didn’t lose. This question has been asked enough so I’m going to give a long explanation.

    Thula might be an experienced viltrumite, she may well have been fighting for hundred of years maybe even thousands. But she’s also fighting people who are no threat, think about the bugs, you barely even touch them and they die.

    That’s what most of the universe is to a viltrumite, insects, mark on the other hand has only just received his powers and has slowly been gaining the strength and durability that comes with them, he’s fought while having to apply himself fully because he was still weak and many things were a threat he’s applied himself and had to break through his normal limits. He’s also had to learn to fight with restraint and control because not everyone is on his level and he doesn’t want to kill them.

    Mark has been training in abstract ways that increase his control and power. thula has been slaughtering insects or doing very little. for reasons I won’t explain we can almost certainly assume that until now very few viltrumites ever see each other and definitely don’t train together. every one of them is complacent and out of practice when fighting something that can put up any form of resistance. (At least for now)

    Mark wasn’t about to kill Thula, that scene where she’s given up, she’s barely injured we’ve seen what a viltrumite can take and still get back up, she might look like she’s scared and she probably is, she was expecting to walk all over him and he’s putting up a damn good fight but if mark didn’t freeze the fight wouldn’t have ended there, he’d have beat her down and she’d get back up and repay him in kind. They could have fought for hours and mark would probably have lost eventually but he has the practice and the strength to put up a fight Thula might have won with experience in the end but we will never know because mark froze, and even if he didn’t Nolan would have joined in after ending his fight and together they would kill her.

  • SadDisplay4035@alien.topBtoInvincibleJust Read the Comic
    10 months ago

    I have to disagree on the superiority of the comics.

    I absolutely suggest reading them if you’re a fan of comics as a medium but I don’t think they’re better to any significant degree I’d argue that they’re largely the same.

    I’m a huge fan of the comics but the art early on is bloody terrible, the limitations of comic book vs animation makes the early drama of the show much more impactful than its comic book counterpart and allows for some really great moments to be highlighted.

    Equally the comic book is less limited by budget and time constraints so is able to include an extra little bit here or there but the show writers have done a fantastic job of making it seem like there’s no noticeable difference in quality.

    So if you like comics yes, if you’re not a fan of the medium then skipping is fine, you’ll have to wait a while but as it’s going it looks like you won’t miss out on much and might even have a better experience with the series even if you’ll miss a small detail here or there.