10 points to griffindor for the curve ball of “asshole, dickhead, or titty baby”

Minus the outburst at the end my heart broke for Kimberly during that scene. Great example of how over reacting can cloud actual problems, all he’ll be able to think about is the scream. Neither of them have communication skills, big sad.

  • sprklyglttr@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m going to be speaking feom experience here. I hate it when I read that she should have realised before marrying. How are you going to when the person and family lies to you and gaslights you. I am from the south of India which is considered more liberal and more forward than the f***** up place that is the north.i had a love marriage. My husband promised me the world and then some. He used to tell me that I didn’t have to live with his family or cook and clean for them after marriage. Guess what happened? My MIL moved in with us the next day of the wedding. Then it was always fighting about how I am not a good DIL for not looking after his family. Then he forcefully moved us into his move. I am a slave all in but name now. I can only do things that I am allowed to do. And since I have only daughters I am a failure in every aspect. I was barred from working. Now I am counting down the days when my kids go to college so that I can escape this he’ll hole I chose for myself. I get ptsd feom watching that girl. I am literally her shouting at a wall for a shred of peace. So all of you get of your high horse and give the girl a break. If any of you want a glimpse into the hell that is marriage in India watch The Great Indian Kitchen movie. It’s a glimpse into the more easy married life and then multiply it by 100 to get the north Indian version.

  • Mountain_Calla_Lily@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This scene also made me feel bad for her. She seemed level headed when first approaching the convo but then TJ started to raise his voice while also being a shit communicator and well…then the scream. She should have left with her parents and not married this man 😕

  • parametricc@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Titty baby is what we call our boy cat when he’s being…well…a titty baby lol. Hearing the phrase on the show was very entertaining for us!

  • sandy154_4@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m really sad she apparently called him that off camera and we didn’t see it

    I wonder if they’ll ask about it during the tell-all?

  • intheshadows8990@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I had to look up the definition…LMAO

    Someone who takes things too seriously then profusely whines about it to the point of no return. Also another word for someone who sucks their mommy’s titty.”