I’ve seen a lot of conversations about Kimberly and everything that she and TJ are going through/have gone through. But what I’m not understanding is, what was Kimberly’s end goal?

She has been to India before, seen the culture, and she knew she was going to be living in the same house as TJ’s family.

Yes, TJ should’ve been more communicative and clear about what her role was going to be, then let her decide on the fate of their relationship.

I understand that she wants to have her voice heard, but I’m not exactly sure what the end goal was? then let her decide on the fate of their relationship.

Was she expecting to magically just get along with his family?

Was she expecting to not do anything around the house and just be provided for?

Was she expecting TJ just to randomly say that they can move out and not be living with his family anymore?

Or were there other expectations that maybe we just didn’t see on camera?

Either way, I’m just not sure what her expectations and goals were when she decided to move to India with TJ’s family.

  • tryfry619@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    TJ is the major issue over here . He never fully communicated and if you understand the language or read the subtitles properly you can already see he never gives the full answer or discloses everything .

    I honestly don’t know why 90day does this but it was the case with Jen & Rishi too . A lot of Indian guys who are awful in communication or just plain awful . Rishi never disclosed all the info regarding what he wanted or what was expected .

    People keep blaming Kimberly for not doing enough research . However She can only do so much as to what she is told to research . Based on TJ’s behavior I am sure he never disclosed that she is expected to cook clean and do a lot of house hold chores and live in a multi family house .

    I imagine Kimberly expected a living situation with just TJ not his entire family .

    Regardless I believe they broke up and she moved on to USA and she can’t disclose all that due to NDA . Good for her

    • Infamous_Storm_7659@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’m so glad she’s out. I can’t imagine the tension and never leaving the upstairs. I dated a guy when I was 22 and we were staying with his parents out of state for a long weekend. I overheard the mother crying in the kitchen, wanting to know what’s wrong with her. By her, she meant me. I am agnostic. NOT CATHOLIC 😂 They were super Duper Catholic and she had the house full of big gold pictures of the pope and religious statues everywhere. When I walked in, I got nervous I looked around and I giggled. My relationship ended shortly after. That whole weekend his mother made me feel so uncomfortable.

    • Sacblabbath@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      But in the latest episode the mom said she has only come downstairs 2 or 3 times. So even though he did lie, she hasn’t done any of those chores people keep talking about. She cooks and cleans for her and TJ, she ain’t no one’s servant

      • Free-Baby2384@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Yeah exactly! People keep bringing this up about him not disclosing the full expectations but it looks like she’s doing what she wants anyway. He’s working and she’s at home. She’s certainly not cleaning and cooking for the whole family and their only complaint shown about her was them feeling like she stays away from them and that they aren’t welcome to come upstairs. There was no complaining about her not cooking/cleaning