I’ve seen a lot of conversations about Kimberly and everything that she and TJ are going through/have gone through. But what I’m not understanding is, what was Kimberly’s end goal?

She has been to India before, seen the culture, and she knew she was going to be living in the same house as TJ’s family.

Yes, TJ should’ve been more communicative and clear about what her role was going to be, then let her decide on the fate of their relationship.

I understand that she wants to have her voice heard, but I’m not exactly sure what the end goal was? then let her decide on the fate of their relationship.

Was she expecting to magically just get along with his family?

Was she expecting to not do anything around the house and just be provided for?

Was she expecting TJ just to randomly say that they can move out and not be living with his family anymore?

Or were there other expectations that maybe we just didn’t see on camera?

Either way, I’m just not sure what her expectations and goals were when she decided to move to India with TJ’s family.

  • valelizanku@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    They both have their own faults but TJ should have 100% told her every expectation before getting married. He withheld this info bc he knew it was going to be a problem. Kimberly is no angel but TJ knew exactly what he was doing. Sure she could have researched and even gotten to learn how life is in India while she was there but there is a difference between being single and married woman in India. Big big difference and set of expectations