Interesting article from NPR.

  • Flimsy_Demand7237@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Wouldn’t this entire discussion be negated if the parents actually took an interest in raising their child and asked them about what books they are reading rather than expecting librarians to police children’s reading habits? Librarians categorise books according to genres and categories, and obviously the ‘kid’s corner’ or what the equivalent name is in the library will be the children’s section with the books aimed at children. Librarians provide the books, but they can’t be expected to know your specific child’s reading habits or whether a book is good for them or not. This really comes down to parents both being too controlling and also too uninvolved in their child’s lives. They want librarians to police their reading habits, but then also bemoan the fact they don’t know what their little Timmy will read because they can’t be bothered to ask.