I don’t watch many shows. What specific shows or movies did Kathleen Kennedy ruin by changing the character’s ethnicity or gender?

  • Bootyootywooty@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The Star Wars sequel trilogy has negatively affected the outcome of world politics. I don’t know exactly how or why, but I know it has.

  • CaptainKegel@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    None. She is just a stand-in for the whole pandering thing.

    Essentially: Kennedy is the boss of Lucasfilm (not Disney or Marvel) and therefore seen as the one responsible for the trainwreck of films Lucasfilm has put out in the last decade. In the Star Wars sequels, the main character was a woman who was poorly developed. New male characters were sidelined and Luke’s character from the old movies was destroyed in a way that isn’t only out of character but also delegitimizes his accomplishments in the past. Last Jedi could be interpreted in a way that says “trust all women, no matter what and men are bad”. In the new Indy movie, which I have yet to watch, there’s also a new female character who gets the focus and apparently belittles the eponymous hero. Both characters, Rey and Helen respectively, fall in the same category of “young, overambitious woman who is better than the male hero and outperforms him for no reason”. People think that they are self-inserts of Kennedy and few her as a hateful woman who destroys beloved heroes to make herself the new heroine out of narcissism.

    Before the new Indy movie came out, there was also the rumor that Indy would die and erased from the timeline. It’s about time travel. The younger Indy would die, the older one fade into nothing and the movie ending with scenes from the previous movies showing Helen in Indys place. That’s probably the closest it gets to the replacement thing South Park mocked. (The rumor turned out to be false, but other infos from the leak that originated it was confirmed by the trailer that came soon after, including a screenshot from the trailer so it some merit.)

    South Park uses Kennedy as a representive of all character changes for the sake of diversity in movies regardless if they were by her or even by Disney. Other examples are the female Ghostbusters, the black Annette in Castlevania: Nocturne, the black Albert Wesker in that horrible Resident Evil Netflix show or the black Ariel (no, that wasn’t Kennedy). Why Kennedy? Possible because she is the only “face” of those diversity changes. Netflix gets the most flak for recasting white characters or male characters to the point that it has become a meme (“Netflix adaption”). But Netflix is just a faceless corporation, without any specific people driving those changes that can be made fun of. Another reason I guess is that Matt & Trey just wanted another way to rip on Disney.

    Looking forward for all the downvotes and insults.

    • ncolaros@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      No one has sufficiently explained to me why it’s a bad thing that Ariel is black… Like, who the fuck cares?

      • droid327@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        Because the burden is on the person making the change to justify why the change is necessary, not on everyone else to justify why not

        Otherwise you’re sending the message that white people have no intrinsic value, and they have to continuously prove why we should keep them around, and that’s obviously wrong

      • MechaJerkzilla@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        Ok. I’ll tell you why I think its a bad thing. Because instead of representing an original film taken from a myth or fairy tale from Africa, they still have a black woman representing a really badly executed copy and paste remake from a better film which is based on a fairy tale from Europe? So people can crow about “representation” in this movie all they want, but in the end, European culture is what is actually being represented while African culture is being ignored. Because a shitty remake is safer than showcasing African culture.

  • JethroSkull@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    To put in simply, Lucas film is worth significantly less than it was when Disney bought it. Kathleen Kennedy was in charge of overseeing all Lucas film.

    Disney bought Lucas films for 4 billion dollars which included properties like star wars, Indiana Jones and willow. 80s classics.

    Currently everything to do with Lucas film is unmarketable. Merchandise sales are completely dead.

    Indiana Jones 5 was a total failure.

    Willow was so bad they removed it from disney+

    Starwars, once the biggest science fiction franchise in cinema, has been abandoned by many of its fans. They can’t even get people to tune in to the new starwars shows on dinsey+

    It ends up falling on Kathleen Kennedy’s lap because she has refused to course correct at any point and continues to hold fast

  • xRyuzakii@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The people who overreact to the “pandering” are way funnier and more pathetic than the actual pandering…

    The absolute meltdowns people have when they see a character get a new race, sexuality, or even gender swap is wild to me. It’s really not a big deal lol

    • uuid-already-exists@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      It is a big deal though. People changing the characters we grew up with for no reason other than to check off a box. If show runners really cared about diversity, they would have new stories made rather than shoehorning them into an existing character. Like they mentioned in the special, Miles Morales was well written and given a proper backstory and that is why people like the character.

  • grizzledcroc@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Amount of misinformed completely uneducated people upvoting each other in this thread is astonishing

  • Kevy96@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    In short, she objectively has been responsible for all of the things at Lucasfilm, must notably Willow, Indy 5, and the accursed Star Wars Sequel trilogy.

    Indirectly, she’s likely had significant influence on both the culture of Disney on the whole, and many various projects, although that latter one especially is unknown for sure

  • Prof_Tickles@alien.topB
    11 months ago


    After GamerGate ended the chief instigators wanted to keep the momentum going. And due to unfortunate timing, news about Star Wars casting and Lucasfilm’s leadership was making the rounds so they latched onto their new enemy and crafted talking points making KK the new scapegoat.

    Trey and Matt are making fun of a) losers like that who blame her for all the world’s problems, and b) companies that are insincere and superficial regarding representation.

    Building off of B, I’ll provide an example:

    You know how during pride month all of these companies put out pride merch or tout their support? Well, Dylan Mulvaney, a trans person, made an advert for Bud Light as part of their pride campaign.

    The internet lost its shit. Celebrities were boycotting or buying up cases to shoot with guns. Matt Walsh incited his followers to make an example of Bud Light.

    Dylan, along with Anheuser Busch received violent threats, etc.

    All of a sudden, a lot of companies were hesitant to participate in pride month. Which was the goal of reactionaries.

    But that superficiality, that “Oh yeah queer people, we love you. Oh as long as we aren’t challenged or our stocks/lives aren’t threatened,” is what I suspect was the larger issue of what Trey and Matt were lampooning.

    Representation and diversity only matters to companies when it’s convenient. There’s not much sincerity behind it.

  • RanfoMedia@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    She ruined SW but not all of SW, just the shitty sequel trilogy. Why I love this episode is because it’s what SP does best: make fun of both sides and introduce people to an idea that’s been lost for the last decade: NUANCE.

  • Specific-Swim-4507@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I mostly think they’re talking about the soulless reboots of Disney classics that lack originality at all. The only way they even stay alive is by Ariel being black