Bojack and Diane are two characters who become close because they are very similar and they ‘get’ eachother, a personal understanding you don’t get with most people.
The first time they meet, Bojack gets her costume right away, despite it being so obscure and no one else understanding.
“I always tell people you’te like the not cool version of me”
I instinctively knew this show was for me when I shouted out “Baby Bjorn Borg!” the second Diane was shown in this outfit.
My favorite part of it is that he gets it, but also has no interest in talking to her (Ik his dad died and he’s talking to his mom) but considering how he forms an attraction to her later on, it’s just funny.
When was it mentioned/reveiled that his father died around this time?
He mentions that his father died in a duel. During this scene he says to the other person (his mom) “a duel?! A DUEL?!”
Was it part of his monologue/eulogy in Free Churro? I think we had to connect dots to truly get it, but I think that’s when it was supposed to click.
First time???