The source of the majority of pain experienced by the characters in this show…
The show: Look at this man whose ignorance due to the prevalent views of the time he lived in led to him irreparably damaging his family for generations and he never even realized it.
Some viewers: lOoK aT tHiS eVuL mAnZ.
The show: Look at this man whose ignorance due to the prevalent views of the time he lived in led to him irreparably damaging his family for generations and he never even realized it.
It’s not even that subtle. They literally show how damaged Bojack is as a result of his mother and how damaged she is because of her father, but there are fans who can’t connect those dots and see that Joseph Sugarman was also the product of his times and probably his parents too.
If he is the face of pure evil and pb is the face of depression, what is Bojack the face of?
We’ll see when we get the spinoff with HIS parents