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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • That pretty much bullshit, though. That’s Beatrice simply telling her son, yet again, the he is intrinsically trash, and her “I’m sorry” is not a a real apology as much as a “Fuck you. Sucks to be you.” Not a single flashback to BoJack’s childhood supports that “he was born broken,” and he was just shown as a normal child, just like Beatrice herself was portrayed as a normal child in her own flashbacks. She’s just pretending BoJack’s not a messed up individual largely thanks to her and Butterscotch’s shitty parenting and he was already ruined from the start.

  • Tough_Stretch@alien.topBtoBoJack HorsemanWhy do you hate Diane?
    10 months ago

    I don’t hate Diane. I disagree with some of her behavior, just like I disagree with some of the behavior of all the main cast, because the point of the show is that none of them is perfect and every one is a different kind of messed up. I do find it a bit annoying that a lot of the fanbase seems to want to pretend that nothing that she did during the six seasons of the show deserves any criticism at all.

  • Tough_Stretch@alien.topBtoBoJack HorsemanSmall Diane Rant
    10 months ago

    Diane gets so much hate from dumbasses just for being a woman that a sizeable part of the fandom simply convinced itself that she never did anything wrong because they agree with her stance in most issues and/or they identify with her. All the main cast are flawed individuals and did a fair amount of questionable things throughout the show regardless of how much one might like them individually.

  • The show’s characters are deliberately meant to represent specific Hollywood archetypes and incorporate elements from several similar celebrities. That’s why for days people have been acting like Matthew Perry’s death is this shocking coincidence with uncanny similarities to BoJack’s character and plot arc. It’s not. Matthew Perry is literally the kind of celebrity BoJack is modeled after, though not the specific celebrity because there probably isn’t any specific celebrity and he’s a mix of a bunch of people. Same thing for Sarah Lynn. Of course her plot resembles Britney Spears’ life, that’s the point. But she’s not based on Britney Spears specifically. That’s like being amazed that Uncle Hankie resembles Bill Cosby or Vance Waggoner resembles Mel Gibson.

  • BoJack Horseman is way better than Tuca and Bertie, though I did enjoy that show for what it was.

    I do have to say that the way the show and the characters treat Speckle rubbed me the wrong way. He’s one of the few straight male characters in the show who isn’t an asshole or a predator or something, and he’s often treated by both his partner and her best friend like he’s an idiot undeserving of basic respect for no reason. Tuca was especially awful to him pretty much all the time and it’s played for laughs.

  • A bit earlier in the season there’s a scene where Mr. PB is shown talking on his cellphone to Diane when she’s already living in Chicago, and they speak in a way that makes it clear that, despite no longer being connected in any romantic terms or even being a part of each other’s daily lives, they still consider each other a friend and they keep in touch, and they’ll probably keep in touch in the future even if not as often.

    That’s literally the opposite of the vibe given off by her last conversation with BoJack.