Tell me what you think. Well wait… let me tell you what I think, first, lol. I think that if I had a grown daughter who went to another country and married a man, I would be saying all that I could to encourage my daughter to accept that new circumstances are very difficult at first. Of course I would say that I missed her, but for Holly’s mom to be just reiterating that she thinks South Africa is dangerous makes me worry that Holly is just going to bail. Thoughts?

  • fluffyshorts@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I personally think it also has a lot to do with their upbringing as JWs (Jehovah’s Witnesses). I’m speaking from personal experience here, but this cult really does a number on your social skills since you are encouraged/forced to only form connections with people within the org. If you are lucky enough to break away, you essentially have to learn how to be a functioning member of normal society on your own and sometimes that doesn’t go well lol. This trio of characters was really strange since it sounded like they were half-assing JW rules (reason why her mom was there in the first place is because JWs believe you need to have a chaperone while “courting” so you won’t be tempted to have pre-marital sex) but everything else about them was so outside what is considered acceptable by the org, including her weird outfit choices…