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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • I liked it a lot. Criticism of Disney are always welcome and inclusive Cartman was so funny, more than I expected. Also loved Randy’s part, I can’t remember when was last time I actually enjoyed a subplot involving Randy and this one was really good. Being totally honest I don’t give a heck if a company changes the race or gender of a character, I don’t like the way they do it, but at this point I gave up on complaining, so I was a little afraid this special would express the feeling of dislike towards this practice the wrong way (like, being totally offensive and racist like some people do when they talk about it), but I think the did it good, specially with that kathleen and Cartman’s talk. But I must say, am I the only one who was expecting something more? I’m probably feeling like this because the last events were reaaally important and iconic for the show and this one is, idk, kind of empty?