When I first watched Frozen, immediately after Anna meets Hans I went “Yeah, that’s not who she falls in love with. He’s a bad guy.” And my wife, who had seen it before, was so mad at how I just immediately called it the second he appeared.
The second Thaedus opened his mouth my wife went “He’s the double agent! He’s the bad guy!” And at the end when he’s fucking around with Allen she was crowing about right she was and how she nailed it right away, just like Hans. All morning she’s been so proud of herself for how quickly she figured out Thaedus was the bad guy. It’s been hard containing my laughter with how she is in fact wrong.
I don’t think it’s ever expressly said but the implication usually seems to be that Mark and Debbie live in a fairly well off suburb of Baltimore and Baltimore is only 44 miles from the Pentagon, which the GDA is under. So that checks out, anyway.