I can’t do audiobooks and also have a hard time with podcasts that are more than 20 minutes or so. But I can read a physical or kindle book for hours in just about any location. Auditory processing is a bit wonky for me, and I think that is why. I’m just not a good auditory learner. Whatever my eyes are focused on is where my attention goes, so the only time I can actually listen is if I am basically sitting in a chair or laying in the hammock and can close my eyes to listen. Otherwise, my attention is too much on driving or walking or cleaning or whatever.
Agree. I am a reader but nothing crazy. I don’t set reading goals, I don’t read for hours a day or 100 books a year. I don’t read with every spare second I have or carry a book everywhere I go. But I read daily. My husband is not a reader. He reads once in a while. Maybe 1 book a year. I read like 60. That means our “average” is 30 books each. Which is meaningless information because it’s not remotely representative. One year I might read 30, and another year I might read 80. But I read regularly and have a TBR list.