If it’s not a famous book, you may find some Goodreads reviews and if you’re lucky a Reddit post or two, but not vasts amount of online discussion like you’ll find about any passingly good series or movie.

And if you love a movie or a tv show, it is much easier to convince people in real life to also watch it, since it’s way less time consuming and not everyone even reads books, but most people watch movies.

I just think that this really sucks about reading books.

  • KimBrrr1975@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s interesting to me that people would want reading to be a social activity. I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s just that I, and most people I know who read, do it as a solitary activity without much desire to talk to people about what they are reading. It’s rare I talk to anyone about anything I’m reading.

    There are more and more silent book clubs sprouting up, maybe that would be for you? Where everyone just shows up but read silently because they all read their own book of choice, so it’s time with others in a shared activity but in a parallel way.