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Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • Did Mart and Angela just build a bridge to a healthier relationship?

    Okay, Mary has been a wreck. But this episode has me thinking that maybe being pregnant could be helping her grow up. I kinda see a surprising glimmer of home for her

    She was talking with Angela respectfully and sharing valid concerns. And I think Angela finally began to understand her and empathize.

    No one changes overnight. But I’ll admit that for the very first time, I finally saw some maturity in Mary and I hope she continues to grow towards mental health and maturity.

    Was anyone else here nicely surprised for once? I hope these two can form a positive relationship, though I really hope Mary dumps Brandon. But she still has immaturity and will still be her usual self. I’m just nicely surprised.

  • How delusional is Ashley? She seems to clearly see the glaring problems in her relationship, and sex makes it all go away?

    And why does she know these concerns but bags against her friends discussing them as if they’re in the wrong?

    That’s precisely what friends are for! They’re being loyal friends discussing the very issues you bring up, but they can’t and are wrong for bringing it up?

    It seems to me the cast members who portray themselves as oh so spiritually advanced and evolved are just as honked up, if not more, than anyone else not so “evolved.”

    It’s hilarious. Better to downplay yourself and be seen as better, amirite? Ashley is delusional. She’s deceiving herself with the immature “Oh, the sex was great, so just forget everything I said before. Ignore your own objective clarity. Because sex, dude!”

    I don’t think I’m on either team on this one. And that’s not typical for me. I almost always have a side, even if the side I’m taking has their own clear issues. But wow. Dump each other now!

  • That’s encouraging to hear. Although I could never date her, and believe she needs therapy, I believe all of the cast members, even including my personal least favorites, including her all have good qualities too. And maybe therapy is already helping.

    I don’t have anything against anyone else, but I don’t hate watch any reality TV programs. The ones I have no desire to watch I simply avoid. I have always been so interested in family counseling and have experienced it as well as couples counseling and experienced positive results. I know that’s not the case with everyone.

    So I watch more from a guy who likes to people watch without judgements. Sure, that’s kind of clinical, but I also believe this deeply and have emotion as well as rational thought behind my way of watching. Why hate someone I don’t know and only see for minutes out of a week. I try to reserve judgment in favor of understanding, but never excusing. It’s an explanation but not an excuse.

  • I don’t think we can judge cast members as being pure evil and will hate them when we only see maybe 15 minutes (each cast member) per week. People are complicated and I believe every one of them (maybe not Ed or Meemaw, I jest) also have good qualities we don’t get to see. And I absolutely believe many of the haters have done things as stupid, selfish or toxic as the cast members they love to hate. Haters sound to me like they’re simply trying to feel superior.

    So when someone says, oh, they definitely cheated, 100%, I laugh because it’s foolish to think you know better and with absolute certainty about someone they only see a tiny fraction of each week. You can’t possibly know them more than they do themselves.

    Also, it kind of drives me batty when I see comments about how bad this season is, they don’t want to watch anymore, get offended over sexual comments and stuff. All that stuff is what I’m here for! I’m not bothered in the slightest over TMI sexual stuff. I laugh my face off. It’s part of why I watch. And I think there are others here who feel the same way.