I despise the blurbs. They waste cover real estate and aren’t informational in the least. I’d much rather read a synopsis of the book than what other people think of the book.
I despise the blurbs. They waste cover real estate and aren’t informational in the least. I’d much rather read a synopsis of the book than what other people think of the book.
One of my old coworkers would always make fun of India and asked me if I drink cow urine.
I think this is because Ashkay Kumar (Bollywood actor) told Bear Grylls that he drinks cow urine everyday for “medicinal purposes.”
OMG what did they do to themselves?
So you’ve literally described every human being on the planet - some with horrible flaws, some awful people who have redeeming qualities; some good people with horrible flaws.
I could certainly relate to the hardships, struggles, and ultimately losing the prize (Old Man and the Sea).
One of the reasons that Hemingway is still read today is that he writes about universal struggles of human beings, not just human men.