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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023

  • How did this unattractive loser 🤡 manage to date 2 beautiful women? God their self confidence must be in the gutter to put up with this man’s heavy baggage.

    His comment does t even make sense because as awful and dumb as Tiffany is, she has amazing skin and looks the same with or without makeup. He’s not even qualified to make digs at anyone’s appearance when he’s average at best !

  • You’re right! She wants to seem like a bigger victim to the audience because the physical cheating was hurtful to her but he doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation since she did say in his culture cheating is expected. I don’t fully blame Asuelo for cheating. Everyone forgets he’s a lot younger than Kalani and is literally learning how to be a man/adult the normal way as he goes through life. I’m not saying American way is “the normal way” but his family is absolutely horrid and selfish. He seems to be a kind person compared to his family. Having a crappy money-hungry mom like he has, makes it obvious he didn’t have positive influences or shown right from wrong growing up.

    Kalani is ridiculous to get herself involved with a literal man-baby and expect him to operate like a grown man who understands responsibilities. She literally set herself up to be cheated on because he was A LOT of work to begin with and doesn’t understand the concept of relationships. She wanted this impressionable man-baby because she prob thought he’s too innocent to cheat or do things any man would do, she’s just mad he turned out to be like a regular man lol

  • Thank you !!! I agree! Since when do we say “ok guys don’t mock a narcissistic abusive manipulative person who the majority of us believe she’s capable of harming her child and Brendan over jealousy…because that’s taking it too far”….everyone needs to stop sympathizing with her. She’s manipulative af and clearly using this to garner sympathy like she does with Brendan all the damn time. She’s an unhinged psycho who needs to be institutionalized but chose social media and a reality show instead