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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2023

  • Exactly like there’s nothing wrong with wishing for the quality of the show to be better, regardless maybe even especially if you think it’s dipping below the standard in some areas. It shows you care so long as you don’t go overboard about it. Along those lines, the issues such as the ones everyone frequently lists aren’t all a comic purism thing either, only half of the complaints are about what wasn’t adapted from the source material.

    While it’s great and completely valid for somebody to watch the show by kicking back and enjoying the ride, acknowledging what does and doesn’t work is equally as okay for them to do. I feel like if it’s just criticism all the time or constant praise neither would be helpful and only draining for everyone. For some works feedback with real constructive criticism is especially important.

  • But the criticism aimed towards episode 4 isn’t solely about how faithful it’s being to the comics or whether or not a scene got adapted. While not everything has to put under a critical lens by fans, the people taking issue with the pacing and animation quality are coming from show onlies AND those who have read ahead so it’s not just elites saying these things in the sub. And you know what those complaints are completely valid. There’s nothing wrong with constructive criticism towards the show (also including the comic), and so far the complaints for it have been on the calmer side of the shitstorm scale compared to other fandoms I took part in. Like people still want the Donald, Eve, Mauler stuff but the way it’s placed throughout the current ep lessened interest for it, and that’s solely to be judged as a show thing not a comic only thing.

    I gotta be honest I see more of a problem in the “Don’t think, just enjoy” outlook for things, which is completely fine for you personally but not for every fan to adopt like you said. Audiences are allowed to constructively criticize the work wherever they find lacking and temper it with their praise or excitement for everything else. Leads to interesting discussions and all that for the events and changes to come.

    This is also slightly off topic but I don’t like how “you all complain too much” is being thrown around. It comes off as gatekeepy to me.

  • Er, sorry to say this but that’s kinda disingenuous. Criticism is a part of anyone in the creative industry’s life. Learning how to deal with criticism, both constructive and non constructive is not just encouraged and expected but even taught with critique circles or sharing work with classmates weekly. Like in those, pointing out where something feels off or short isn’t meant to tear it and the creator’s hopes and dreams down but instead are said in the effort to improve. That’s just how art is in terms of engagement once it’s put out into the world. Constant praise all the time helps no one, both creator and consumers.

    The problem though with the type of of criticism your pointing out is that it has this sort of superiority to it where they think shallow nitpicks and whatever else they notice are worth the same levity as the genuine problems, and that they don’t actually want to see the work and creator grow but just to tear it down, often paired up with insults. It becomes like this hate circlejerk even.

    In this sub I haven’t really seen that. I’ve seen a good chunk of newer post practically being sheepish in admitting they feel like the animation or pacing is off and just want the adaptation of their favorite comic be better for their favorite show. Don’t get me wrong there are the rabid fans and some that are off their rockers with their ranting, but most of the things people on this sub point out are valid complaints while many still say they enjoy the episode.