I would say not every instant is just pandering. Wouldn’t keeping everything white makes still just be pandering to the insecure pieces of shit they are?
Pandering happens regardless, that’s what people aren’t getting.
Most of these characters are only what they are due to (wait for it) pandering. Pandering to the white males who could buy the shit. Wouldn’t see a black captain America when segregation was still a thing. It isn’t based on some sort of creative intent. It was made to pander to white dudes from the very beginning.
If changing up some characters helps other folks feel represented in a way that white dudes have had forever, then I’m cool with it. Even if the studio intent is “pandering” it doesn’t change the outcome of representation which is important.
Funny thing is, the thing people hate about wokeness is what they love about Cartman. He’s made to pander to them and they love being represented by him…