It’s the hope that kills you
It’s the hope that kills you
After a while the swear words are like nipples in that movie Show Girls
I would say Keely is the Lion because 1) she’s literally dressed as a lion to sell cofka and 2) she is someone growing into her confidence as a leader and a boss throughout the run of the show
The fact is, Ted inspired the ghosts to believe in themselves, which gave them the strength they needed to truly move on. After 106 years, it wasn’t the show-and-tell sacrifice bullshit that exorcised the ghosts (they were too many to fight off anyways) it was the vote of confidence from the team that Ted initiated that helped them to enter the hereafter
I’d like to see spin-offs, and ten or more years down the line I would give a reboot or reunion a chance, but I would be very skeptical about a straight-up season four being released within 36 months of the supposed finale
American baseball pitcher Randy Johnson once killed a bird with one of his pitches in a horrible coincidence similar to Dani Rojas. It was ruled a “no pitch”, so it essentially never took place in the record of the game (even though it’s likely his most famous moment)