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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • While OP makes some fair points, and I hate that I’m defending Rowling, s/he is missing the bigger picture. If we look at wizards as a metaphor for white, Christian people, and muggles/mythical creatures as a metaphor for other races, this is what happens. Those in power subjugate those who aren’t, and dismiss them as lesser. That is a huge mistake, and is addressed in the books. The Death Eaters dismissal and poor treatment of non-human creatures leads to their downfall. The final battle wouldn’t have been won without centaurs and house elves. Sirius’ poor treatment of Kreatuer directly leads to his death. Umbridge is captured by the centaurs because of her insistence that she rules them.

    Yes, many “good” characters are fine with elf slavery, but, as said in the book, the world is not separated into good people and Death Eaters. “Good” people can do or ignore really horrible things. Slave owners didn’t think they were evil. Many thought they were “good” owners, and their slaves were happy and better off than they would be freed. Someone from the outside, like a Hermione, would see that and be appalled, but when it’s all you know it’s easy to take it as right and natural. It’s how humans actually behave, not how they SHOULD behave. Many American slaves joined the Yankees and helped win the war, just like what happened at the end of Hallows.