I would let a cow in my house, not all the time, but for a visit for sure, especially if they brought good luck.
I would let a cow in my house, not all the time, but for a visit for sure, especially if they brought good luck.
Except she did catch TJ in lies before the wedding, and she did live in the house with the family before the wedding and saw how they were, and experienced how they treated her. Who would put up with that if they had all the freedom in the world to leave?
She had choice, and the freedom to leave. She caught TJ in lies before the wedding, she stayed at the house before the wedding and saw how they lived, she knew what the expectations would be for her before the wedding, because TJ’s crazy brother told her. Instead of leaving she chose to stay, and then was hostile that they weren’t accommodating to her culture. She made herself out to be a victim when she had absolutely unrealistic expectations of the entire family, and she had all the power to protect herself by leaving.
It happens all the time in the US.
That is what I find so annoying about Kim. She did live with the family and saw how they were, she knew there were times TJ lied to her, but instead of getting the fuck out of there, she he insisted TJ’s family should conform to her. That just struck me as so unreasonable of her.
Finally, after looking crazed. Given that she claims to be clairvoyant, it was not soon enough.