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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • We’ve done so much dystopian. I’d like to see more upbeat futurism. Not necessarily utopian, and not “Jetsons”-style shiny futures. Future-realism? Something like that. Heroes that are “makers”, skilled various science & engineering disciplines.

    As for the conflict, that can come from lots of places. Quests and competitions, character conflicts, etc. Suppose their society has been confined to a small area for a long time. The story begins when the gates are opened and people are free to return to whatever has become of outside.

    Personally I like the idea of post-post-apocalyptic, where at least part of the story involves finding forgotten places & things from the “apocalypse” stage.

    Anyway, that’s what I’d go for.

  • I’ll generally slow down to make sure I understand, with a few caveats:

    • If the book isn’t well-written overall, I might just move on. If I already have good evidence that the author is struggling, I figure it’s probably not worth the extra time.

    • If the rest of the book has been good, I’ll probably slow down & take my time. If that doesn’t help, I might move on,vtrusting that it’ll become clear as the story goes on. Or else I’ll go back to the unclearvsection once those details become relevant.

    For something like Moby Dick, I’d personally go with the latter. :)