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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • Don’t get discouraged. It’s not something that you just intuitively know how to do, it’s something that’s learned. You’re putting in the work by watching videos and using other sources to get a deeper understanding of a text. That’s half the battle. It is something that will start to come naturally to you and you’re not stupid for having to use outside sources to understand a certain work better. I’ve been studying literature for years and I can make my own interpretations but I still use other peoples analyses as a jumping off point for my own, especially when there’s historical references and context that we’d have to take multiple history classes to understand. It’s an ongoing education and a lot of textual analysis builds off itself. You’re doing great and you’re not stupid or slow for not immediately grasping it!

  • When I was in high school I forced myself to read nothing but classics. I enjoyed them but I definitely did not “get” them. I thought If I read anything recent or YA I would’ve been seen as “lesser” and ultimately missed out on a lot of fun stories that I can’t enjoy to their fullest now cuz I’m older. It did leave a lot of worlds for me to discover when I got back into reading years later though, so I can’t complain too much.

  • When I was in high school I forced myself to read nothing but classics. I enjoyed them but I definitely did not “get” them. I thought If I read anything recent or YA I would’ve been seen as “lesser” and ultimately missed out on a lot of fun stories that I can’t enjoy to their fullest now cuz I’m older. It did leave a lot of worlds for me to discover when I got back into reading years later though, so I can’t complain too much.

  • The Sun Down Motel

    I hate hate hate this book. It’s so dull and predictable. The killer is exactly who you think it is, the ghosts literally serve no purpose, and the resolution to the big mystery of her aunt is so predictable idk why she bothered. She even introduces a pointless character to act as a villain in the final act because the actual main villain is already dead, but then handles this villain off screen in the lamest way possible. Not to mention the fact that the weird ass moralistic bullshit about justice at the end was god awful. Just such a shitty book that I only finished because I spent money on it.

  • The Sun Down Motel

    I hate hate hate this book. It’s so dull and predictable. The killer is exactly who you think it is, the ghosts literally serve no purpose, and the resolution to the big mystery of her aunt is so predictable idk why she bothered. She even introduces a pointless character to act as a villain in the final act because the actual main villain is already dead, but then handles this villain off screen in the lamest way possible. Not to mention the fact that the weird ass moralistic bullshit about justice at the end was god awful. Just such a shitty book that I only finished because I spent money on it.

  • “He couldn’t stand to look at the truth, even now. All they were—all they had ever been—was a pair of sunflowers who each believed the other was the sun.” -Micah Nemerever, These Violent Delights

    “My mother is a fish” -William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying

    “There was a star riding through clouds one night, & I said to the star, ‘Consume me’.” -Virginia Woolf, The Waves (honestly I could put the entirety of the waves here)

    “You are nothing at all. Just a crack where the light slipped through” -Sophocles, Electra (trans. Anne Carson)

    “Yellow? Even in dreams he doesn’t know me at all” -Anne Carson, Autobiography of Red

  • A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. I listened to the audiobook years ago and hated it but my coworker made me give it another try. Reading the physical copy just made me despise it more. Nonsensical, overwritten and Feyre is so committed to being an idiot that it feels intentional at points. Just insufferable and I really do not understand Maas’ popularity.

    Controversial, but I also hated Project Hail Mary. I found the writing to be irritatingly bad, and the audiobook narrator did not help. He did a good job of encompassing who Ryland Grace was supposed to be but the problem is I cannot stand Ryland Grace. Besides finding the writing insufferable, I just found everything else to be so bland and boring. There’s no tension and there’s no interesting characters to latch onto. I don’t want to spoil the “big twist” so I’ll leave it there.