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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023

  • Only have some comic spoilers, so I can’t speak to all of these points yet

    It doesn’t make sense then that he would attack a wizard dog without at the very least hearing it out. He beats the piss out of it and says “So you ready to talk?” 🙄

    Mark isn’t dumb, and could tell he was being manipulated. For someone to both know who he is, and to know what he loves to try and trick him with, would be terrifying. He’s also not fighting to kill, but to restrain and control the situation. He flies him out of the form, away from the campus, and then throws him into the woods below. All that does it hide Seance dog, and allow Mark to intimidate him into answering the question honestly.

    Mark has fought some terrifying folks by this point, he should react a bit prickly to strange beings addressing his secret identity.

    Hugging Omniman is a terrible decision to make for his character. This man murdered thousands of people and beat Mark nearly to death. The idea that Mark wouldn’t throw a punch is insane. Theres a better way to do this scene. Have Mark beat up omniman and show omniman just taking it. Then invincible stops because he sees the look of horror on the bug peoples faces. To be clear, I’m not saying Mark would beat omniman, I’m saying omniman would allow Mark to take is rage out on him for multiple reasons: 1. As a way of saying sorry. 2. To assess how capable Mark is due to the incoming threat. Narratively it also gives Mark a reason to help Nolan because he cares more about innocent lives than about killing his father.

    So which is it? You just said Mark shouldn’t be the type to just go and start fighting for the sake of fighting. But now his reaction should be to go berserk and fight Omniman? That would be incredibly dumb of Mark to do, considering what happened last time. Considering what happened in the first episode; Mark attacking the Mauler’s before understanding the situation, and the guilt he felt over watching the Levys die.

    Mark was feeling a flood of conflicting emotions. His father is there, he tensed up and was ready to fight, but no fight came. There is a moment where he hopes maybe things can be simple, he wants things to be simple, so he tries to hug his dad. And then that wishful thinking breaks apart as he actually keeps talking, and remembering what happened, what this all means in a greater context.

    The idea that Mark would pick a fight with Omniman is the insane thing. Mark very much remembers what happened last time, he doesn’t want innocents to die, he wouldn’t want to risk his father using them to prove a point. Mark wanted to understand why his father brought him all the way here, and hoped there was a good answer, an actual apology in there and a chance to return to “normal”, picking a fight wouldn’t do him any good.

    My problem here is that if this is Mark not holding back, why didnt he tap into this when fighting his father? His father grabbed him by the back of the neck and used him as a battering ram against 100s of innocent people. If that’s not enough to stop holding back then idk what is. I was under the impression that we had seen marks current max abilities and he needs to train to get stronger. Not that mark has been holding back this whole time. This, again, breaks his character.

    Because he was being actively traumatized from being used as a weapon, Omniman was effectively demoralizing Mark, making him feel powerless and hopeless. And despite the awful things his father was doing, Mark was still grappling with the realization of who his father was; he can’t erase the years of love he has for his father and attack to kill him, or even want to hurt him.

    Idk how much time has passed between season one finale & season 2 episode 4, but it’s not enough time to justify Nolan turning against his people and becoming Emperor of Thraxia. Bugs move fast, Nolan does not. If anything, living with creatures that have a year long lifespan should prove Viltrums point.

    The time between seasons is irrelevant; Nolan was radicalized due to his relationship with Debbie over the course of two decades, from his love of Mark, from his friendship with the Guardians. He was ready to live as a human, and enjoy earth for as long as he could. He saw the value in their life, their weakness, but was struggling to accept it. He was trying to convince hkmself as much as Mark in the end fight, and he failed to convince himself and murder Mark for showing weakness.

    Thraxia’s entire point is to prove to Nolan that length of life and weakness doe not matter; his time on earth has changed him, and he does not believed the Viltrumite ways after humanizing and connecting to these “lesser” creatures. They are literal insects, should be literal pets by his logic, yet he has a wife and child still. The fact that he finds purpose and love with them is a major blow against the propaganda he was raised on.

    How is diving into the blackhole and landing on a random planet better than him showing that he does value “insignificant” life.

    It is a problem, however, when YOU TAKE THE VILLAIN TO A PUBLIC AREA!!! She is a superhero who can put the villain in a ball and fly anywhere with him, why would she possibly think a bridge of all places was the best place to have a fight?!

    I don’t think the intent is that she led him there, but was careless as he ran away and the fight got mobile. Still, the choice of Eve on the bridge was odd, since we don’t see the how they got there. Would have been nice to see him rocket jump off and force the fight there. But also feel like it would have been easy enough o just have the fight be on the streets outside the tower and still be life threatening. I think it was mostly a reference to comics though, in that super heroes having to save a car from falling off a bridge is a pretty iconic situation.

    Cecil in this show is a surprisingly genuine person. To tell him that his money is a manipulation tactic to keep Mark under his control is asinine and insane. Mark went to Cecil and begged him to use him.

    Is he? I’ve heard people say he is nicer than the comics, but I have never gotten that read off him, esp with who they cast to play him. Walton Goggins is not the man you cast for honesty. Like he doesn’t want Mark to go insane and kill folks, but is very ready to send him off on missions that a kid should not be on immediately after. It is a better tactic to make it seem like Mark’s choice. If Cecil was genuine he would have figured out a way to have Mark feel useful without sending him out on missions.

    Cecil’s guilt might be genuine, but Debbie makes a good point about how his resources are spent. The teleport gag is fun, but also really dark considering how expensive that shit is. Dude’s time is important, but is it really that important? Video calls can’t cut it? He mostly tells people to do things for him anyway. Dude could be doing a lot more direct good for people.

    You can’t have her yell at Cecil like he’s a grade A scumbag when the show has not portrayed his character that way.

    He is a scumbag, he might be a charismatic one, but he is, esp from Debbie’s point of view. He is using her son, and she has every right to be mad at him. Even if she didn’t, her character does not need to act rationally considering she is a grieving wreck. It is not better writing to have her act like a perfect, polite robot to a man who can take some harsh words.

  • Viltrumites are strong, but they are arrogantly prideful and that is a potent weakness to take advantage of; if they assume you’re inferior they aren’t going to take the fight as seriously. She assumed Mark was beneath her, and once Mark surprised her by removing his own mental limit, it let him take control.

    She spent so long tossing him around that she started underestimating him, she got sloppy, so Mark was able to take control of the tempo. As soon as he flinched she turned the tables, and showed she had the ability to end things very quickly, but instead had been messing around slicing him for fun.
    She was playing with her food, testing him. “You’re Nolan’s boy, I’ll make this quick” went out the door as soon as Nolan tossed the other fighter at her.

  • mediacontender@alien.topBtoInvincibleIs he now Overweight ?
    10 months ago

    Did I say that any point? I gave an answer to the question, I also called it as I saw it. They expressed their thoughts, and I expressed mine. “Top Shape” is not actually the dehydrated, starved and overworked Bodybuilder that most action stars chase after, that Omni man is a drawn example of. Just because someone says “I’m not doing this thing” does not mean they are not doing it. Movie stars, comics and animation, models, etc, they’ve skewed a lot of people’s idea of what healthy looks like.
    Lucan is a space alien that can fly and generate his own leverage off of, nothing about his powers imply a bit of weight would slow them down, so why shouldn’t a couple of them be enjoying the food and resources they are scouring the galaxy for? I thought it was cool to see them inch a bit away from it and add body diversity to an alien species, which is realistic, and got annoyed by the dozens of people I’ve seen get mad cause “its unrealistic, fat people are unhealthy and the Viltrumites wouldn’t accept them.” as if actual strong people in real don’t have fat. It makes him stand out and look badass, imo more badass than just another six pack would have.

  • mediacontender@alien.topBtoInvincibleIs he now Overweight ?
    10 months ago

    I mean, you can say it isn’t body shaming but it kinda is, and I think you know that a little bit if you feel the need to prematurely defend against it.
    In the sense that you seem ignorant of the fact that fat is normal, and can be healthy, The body builds you see, the “super hero physique” of Hollywood, those aren’t the only athletic bodies that exist. (And the Hollywood physique is really not healthy) Real people look like that, and like your comments might be aimed at a cartoon, but shows a belief that likely extends into real life. Most bodybuilders can’t maintain that look all year, and need to put on fat to cut down to muscle, and like starve themselves to make that muscle pop. Maximizing strength means caring about something different than looking at cut as possible. They also tend to lose weight once they aren’t competing and focusing on that strength, but a Viltrumite’s competition would never stop.

    But also, Viltrumites had stock designs in the comics. They are clearly taken efforts to diversity the art and standard, and doing that with body types is great. Invincible has always been part commentary on comics, and like this is that kind of stuff. Real strongmen are beefy, and comics tend to be pretty lazy and weird about portraying different body types. Also, he was meant to stand out; he no longer does, as being “the black vermiculite” isn’t unique anymore.