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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • I had to flee an abusive marriage twenty years ago, and much like Sophie, I was halfway across the world, isolated from everyone I’d ever known and completely dependent on my husband. It was the darkest period of my life, and at some points I didn’t think I would make it out alive. I had to plot and plan in order to leave him, and do it in a way that ensured he would not suspect anything, because I knew the minute he found out I was leaving him, my chances of survival got much smaller. Over a few weeks’ time, my parents and I came up with an idea that we thought would work. You see, I had found out that I was pregnant about a month before, and we had been quite surprised as we did not think we’d be able to have children. So I convinced him that I wanted to go back home for a week or two to celebrate with my mom and spend time with family. I did absolutely nothing to give him any indication that I was thinking about leaving him. When packing for the trip, I only brought things that I would need for that visit - nothing else. I knew that if he saw me packing sentimental stuff, he would wise up. The morning that he drove me to the airport in Nuremberg - I remember it was a Sunday - was the last time I ever saw him. I have never recovered any of my items that were abandoned in Germany.

    All of this is to say that it’s quite honestly very difficult for me to watch Robert’s scenes, because he reminds me so much of my ex husband. The manipulation is next level with this asshole. I’m worried for Sophie.

  • He reminds me so much of my abusive first husband, who I had to literally flee from under the guise of “going back home to visit [my] parents.” We were living overseas & I had serious concerns that he’d hurt me if he found out that I was LEAVING leaving and not coming back. So I just packed enough for a week’s visit and left everything else there, in Germany. I never saw my stuff or him again. Oh and I was pregnant. God Rob really gives me bad vibes