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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • yeet_dab_reddit@alien.topBto90 Day FianceLoren fear mongering
    11 months ago

    First: this is a 90 day fiancé subreddit sir, why are you writing an essay on foreign affairs here? And no, it doesn’t matter that she’s a cast member, you dropped her screenshot and then wrote a fucking essay on what you would do in the Middle East.

    Second: you need to understand her background here, and this is not to justify or agree with anything she is saying but this is a Jewish woman with an Israeli husband. This is DAYS after one of the bloodiest conflicts her husbands nation has ever seen. We don’t need to sit here and act like we even begin to understand what anyone on either side feels.

    Third: you are a Reddit poster, not a leader of a nation, so please shut the actual fuck up with your armchair quarterbacking of sending in special ops to free the hostages. This isn’t fucking CSGO it’s real life.

    Fourth: that is a strawman to say she doesn’t condemn the Maine mass shooter as well. You fucking dickhead of course she isn’t in support of that. But this probably has more personal connection to her.

    In conclusion you need to find somewhere else to roleplay as a general.