It seems like every season there’s a new lady pressuring and manipulating her partner into having sex/more sex and it’s really problematic.

I’m hating the Nikki storyline.

I feel like they don’t acknowledge that sexual coercion can be done by a woman too.

  • Fun-Employment-581@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Nikki is very unlikeable, and it’s nothing to do with being trans and everything to do with her being demanding and spoilt. I really dislike the way she wants to pressure igor into sex, it’s gross, and if you have to beg for it, then your partner doesn’t want it. Absolutely no one should be pressured into sex, it’s gross.

    I also hate how she’s so disrespectful towards igor and his culture, I mean imagine changing your partners name, that’s awful. She’s also got quite a temper on her when she doesn’t get her own way, exploding like a toddler because things aren’t the way she wants.

    I suspect she knows on some level that he doesn’t feel romantic feelings towards her, but rather he uses her for money and he probably enjoys having a long distance relationship with her. At a guess he enjoys her money and attention when she’s not there in his face, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s having trouble accepting that she was born male and he’s not attracted to that physically. I think she knows and she wants him to have sex with her because she wants him to want her, and that would prove it. She’s kidding herself.

  • StomachDifferent2532@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I think TLC plays into it unfortunately. Like thinking of Usman and Lisa or Usman and Kim. It’s “funny” for the older, less attractive women pining after these young and vulnerable guys. It’s sad and gross. And I agree Nikki’s aggression and Igor’s obvious discomfort is really difficult to see. She clearly doesn’t respect his bodily autonomy, and just wants for him to uphold his end of the bargain within their “sugar baby/mama” dynamic, whether he wants to or not. So agreed, her behavior is very predatory and coercive

  • JoeyLee911@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    There’s no moralizing narrator on this show until the Tell All so how would they acknowledge it? They’re exposing it by showing it.

  • Consistent-Wind9325@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    In a relationship talking about physical contact is expected, I don’t think it’s really coercion for her to express her desires. But at the same time it’s annoying that she’s so wrapped up in the idea that love can’t be legit without the physical stuff.

    Guys do this on the show just as much as women. In real life too I believe.