How did robot take over the earth? How many hero’s did he take out and how did the global leaders fall in line?

  • legendsofold@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Honestly out of all the elements of the series?

    Plot convenience. pure unadulterated plto convenience.

    He supposedly killed off a majority of heroes and villains, including more present ones. Honestly the idea he could just build something that oculd do that is something i find stupid. He built am army of powerful drones to do it… and somehow built so many without cecil, whom he kills, knowing it. very, very inexplicably too.

    Dumber still involves… bigger spoilers. Vitrumites. There was a big conflict beforehand and now their kind live on the moon, ruled by Omniman… who inexplicably desides to make a truce with the motherfucker rather than killing just hunting down robot and killing/capturing him. And somehow invincible,d espite being betrayed many times over, doesn’t just… fucking kill robot.

    So yea i hope to christ they don’t put that int the show, or at least make it hat he loses… like he logically should.

  • sfinney2@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The implication was that he ruled from the shadows by expertly manipulating the world’s governments, often for the better. How he does it is not too important, the fact that he is able to succeed at such a monumental task with such apparent ease is supposed to show how much potential he has and what threat he poses.

    He does state that he gets a lot done by giving people what they want, the implication there is that he does some morally dubious stuff along the way.

    Doesn’t say how many hero he takes out but apparently after the initial purge he is content just imprisoning the rest, confident that they’ll see his side of things after he makes progress (which most do).