He could never understand what she sacrificed and lost for her powers, and asks her to stop using them. When helping people is the one thing that might bring her some peace.

Also, who just verbally insults their kid all day everyday anytime. It’s like he lives to insult Eve for no reason. I feel as if Eve endured it for so long, was because it’s so small to her and her understanding of the world.

I don’t say parents, because her adopted mom is a victim too. Dealing with her own issues and subject to her husbands personal abuse as well. She could leave, but it could take the voice of some one else or even professionals to realize that.

This back story is such great writing and insight to a major character.

  • No_Discussion6529@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I have no idea why everybody thinks this guy is so awful. My dad was a billion times worse and others had even worse than that. Adam is just dense, stubborn and loud. A lot of dads are like that. Can we stop making him seem like he’s some big bad?

    • Alexo_Alexa@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      You deleted the other comment so I’m gonna leave this here instead.

      My father did so many things that would make Eve’s dad seem like a saint in comparison, things I can’t mention since I don’t think this sub allows personal information nor is it the correct place to do so.

      Eve’s adopted father is still awful. He is still extremely misogynistic, judgemental, abusive and an overall asshole to both his daughter and wife. His behavior is NOT something that should be dismissed or ignored just because it can get worse, and we SHOULDN’T accept his way of being nor of many dads to be okay. The lesser of two evils is STILL evil.

      everyone who resents him just hasn’t seen what the real bad shit is like

      That statement is just so mindblowing to me. What, you think this is a competition? That there’s a VIP club for people with awful parents? Oh yeah, let’s see who’s got the better opinion after comparing eachother’s awful fathers!

      Eve’s father is an unlikeable asshole. Yes a lot of real life dads are like him, yes it can get SO much worse than him. Even so, they’re still all unlikeable assholes, and their parenting should not be endorsed nor ignored; saying “well, it can get worse” is just being an enabler. Not being a bottom-of-the-earth human should be the bare minimum, not something to be praised for.

      It’s like Nice Guys™ complaining that they don’t get game even though they’re soooo nice. Being nice is the bare minimum, not a high bar to reach. We should expect people to be GOOD, not just “not awful”.

    • EarthExile@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      There’s a whole spectrum of ways to be a piece of shit. Someone can be not as bad as your dad and still totally suck.

    • tryingtobecheeky@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’m so so sorry that you had to grow up with an abusive father. Nobody should have to deal with that. It is unfair and wrong and you deserved better.

      But that guy is also abusive. Probably less than your dad, but still a horrible pos. There doesn’t have to be a victims Olympics. Your dad was a monster but so is Eve’s (and any father resembling him.)

      It’s just shades of grey but it’s all bad.

      I hope you find peace from your abuse and don’t repeat the cycle.

    • SetaxTheShifty@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      It’s not a competition, more of a line. I mean, just because he’s not as bad as say Nolan, doesn’t mean he’s not abusive.

      We hate him because he reminds of us the assholes we’ve met before. I’m fortunate that my father is kind and caring. He can have moments of anger when his anxiety triggers, but he’s been there for me my whole life.