Do you have a female character that might not (rightfully) fit with a modern audience? Is the woman you’re trying to portray lovesick,overtly sexual or a bit naive? Maybe a combination of all three?

Well the show has a very easy solution to that! Make the character competent yet angry with a very short fuse.

Comic Amber is love sick and naive? Make her this exemplary teen who politically goes above and beyond everything most actual politicians do but also give her a very short fuse and make her angry. You knew that your boyfriend is a super hero but it doesn’t fit narratically with the show / comic parallel? Just make her blow up at invincible. Problem solved!

Comic Queen Atlantis is naive and love sick? Immediately falling in love with invincible with a forced marriage? Well, just make her angry and competent.

Is your comic duplicate at risk of being groomed by a 2000 year old immortal man? Well don’t worry. Make her angry with a very short fuse and make her hypocritically blow up at Rex for daring to hypocritically call out her cheating on him while having sex with said immortal being.

Is comic Allen the alien throwing it down with big busted, single minded alien boob model? Well don’t worry. Just make her angry and competent. Now it’s commander Talia, who to be fair still had sex. It’s open to see if she is going to cheat on him or if she will be just angry and competent at Allen the stoner alien.

  • Noinfeengurs@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What is this culture war bullshit.

    Show Amber in season 1 was annoying sure, I think they missed the mark with her character and made her more confrontational and angry than they should have. So far in season 2, however, Amber is much more understanding of Mark’s responsibilities as a superhero and is very kind. I think the writers understand the criticisms of season 1 Amber and have set out to make her more understanding towards Mark which I appreciate. Amber is fine. She’s certainly an improvement over that cardboard girlfriend character she was in the comics.

    The fish queen… really? You’re mad that the fish doesn’t want to bang Mark anymore? Who fucking cares. We got a really cool action scene that wasn’t in the comics and a great heroic moment of Mark saving the fish people from annihilation despite Cecil’s orders not to. This also serves to further set up the schism between Mark and Cecil that eventually leads to their conflict later on. We also got a hint about the Viltrumites’ ear weakness earlier on than in the comic… It’s better storytelling.

    As for Kate, it’s not much different from the comic? Rex is a cheating asshole and Kate is a cheating asshole, she points out how hypocritical of him it is to be mad about her cheating on him which is completely true. Kate wasn’t exactly a super nice person in the comic either, she was pretty damn rude to Eve on several occassions, and that’s not even including the obvious moment of her fucking Rex.

    It sounds like you’re just pissed off that the women in this show have a bit more complexity to them than in the comics and that certain characters such as Amber and Kate aren’t doormats. Idk what else to tell you except grow up