My classmates and I have been assigned a literature task at school-to find a chapter in a book of our choice where a particular food is mentioned, prepare that food, and bring it to class to present the chosen book. I would appreciate a recommendation for a book that mentions brownies, because they are really easy for me to prepare and they are delicious. I would appriciate your help.

  • DiscoDeathStar@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If I may ask…why???

    I’m a teacher, and honestly, my principal would chew me up one side and down the other if I gave this assignment.

    • skincarenerd2105@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Are you from the USA? I am Croatian btw so the school programe is really different here. I would say that teachers have a lot of creative freedom. The idea behind this project is to present chosen books in a new, egdy way. In my country we really love food so this is a great way to make studens more interested in reading. The other goal is to motivate students to learn a few things about baking because we dont have cooking class of anykind. Also so far we had a lot of hard tests and homework so this is a way for my class and I to relax and socialise while reading and enjoying sweets. Hope this helps.