Jovi has been getting a lot of hate lately but I’m not sure that he deserves it. Of course right from the start they seemed to be the most normal couple on Last Resort so we wonder why they were there. Then there was a lot of drama that may or may not be scripted. Is he addicted to strip clubs? Maybe. He certainly enjoys it and if he was single and it isn’t leading to him being in debt I think it’s fine. It would be no different from spending lots of time gaming or playing poker. But of course he is married with a kid and Yara doesn’t like it so the expectation is that the strip club activity would at least be scaled back. But people have different reactions to their man going to strip clubs. I would say most don’t have a blanket ban and would allow their husband to say go to a strip club for a bachelor’s party but perhaps not be allowed to have a lap dance. Then there’s the drinking. Is he an alcoholic? I don’t know. But if he is, he’s certainly a high functioning one.
Of course there are things to criticize. He should discuss career opportunities with his wife and not lie about going to a strip club. He’s like a kid trouble to get out of trouble. He also shouldn’t be texting his stripper friend to come out knowing his wife would be upset. Again, don’t know if it was scripted but let’s assume that it’s not.
But all the comments about him being the worse or that he’s some kind of monster makes no sense to me. From what we know… Has he physically cheated like Asuelu? No. Does he become physically abusive when he drinks? No. Committed SA? No. Did he inflate or lie about his finances? No. An absolutely terrible father? No. Is he verbally abusive to Yara? No. If his main sins are sneaking off to strip clubs, not consulting his wife before turning down a job offer, and drinking too much… that doesn’t sound that bad to me. It’s not like Yara is a wallflower and their relationship doesn’t seem “toxic” to me.
In real life, I would have no issues with Jovi. He seems like a normal decent guy to me and his marital problems aren’t anything unsual. I wouldn’t stop being friends with him because of how he treats his wife. Ed, to me is the worst. If he had an issue with Jovi texting his stripper friend he should have said something to Jovi rather than purposely bring it up in front of Yara.
Can Yara stop being physically abusive towards him? If Jovi threw drinks at her he’d make a case for a DV charge but cause she’s a woman no consequences? It’s bullshit. How come all the women that say that throwing water leads to throwing a cup and throwing a cup leads to throwing a fist aren’t here to say something about that?
She has committed actual DV when she slapped Jovi in the face in the strip club. But he told her to shut up when she didn’t like it so he is the abusive one.