Hi! I’m new to this subreddit, so if I say something that has been said 1000 times before, please forgive me. I just wanted to share my thoughts about the ending of this series. Take in consideration the fact that I didn’t watch the series in my mother language, but I watched the German dub, in order to improve my German. So, if I say something wrong or I missed something, that’s the reason.

I finished to watch Bojack Horseman just yesterday. It was an incredible experience, a series that managed to hook me up so much that I couldn’t wait to watch the next episode, something that happens to me very rarely. Its plot was perfectly structured, it was easy to follow and emotionally engaging; almost every character was very down to earth and realistic.

But now I want to talk more specifically about the ending. I LOVED how, after we suffered so much together with Bojack (especially on S. 6, epp. 13-14), the ending was so wonderfully conciliatory and full of hope. I think that Bojack will change to the better after coming back to prison. The last events were a turning point to him: he realized how much his wrong behaviours were ruining his life, and that he actually could (and liked to) be a good person. He clearly stated that his months as a teacher were the best part of his life. I also interpreted the falling in the darkness of all his old acquaintances (Sarah Lynn, Herb, his mother ecc.) as a symbol of Bojack’s decision to move on.

However, there are two things that left me just a bit disappointed. They didn’t ruin my enjoying of the ending, not at all, but I need to address them:

  1. There is no trace of Hollyhook in the ending. Her choice to cut her relationship with Bojack killed me. He finally found his sister, the first relative who loved him, and he just lost her because of a bunch of loathsome reporters. As much as the open ending leaves room to hope for her comeback, the dialogue between Bojack and Diane about “people not coming back” left me quite pessimistic on this possibility.
  2. I think also that Hollyhook was too prompt to cut her relationship with Bojack. She knew that he was a difficult person with a difficult past. I mean, they shared the same roof when Bojack’s mom was there. She also knew that he was a Hollywood star and had a problem with addictions. What did she expect? Also, I can’t recall what Bojack did wrong on the party where he “traumatised” that boy who talked to Hollyhook in New York. Anyway, it’s a shame that we never got to know what Hollyhook wrote to him.
  3. Princess Carolyn’s wedding with Judah. Look, I like Judah, he is a handsome man and a likable character, and he looks to have the perfect age to father Ruthie, considering that PC is already 40. But we didn’t get very much of his relationship with PC, he just said he loved her while playing a song. I liked her relationship with Ralph much more, and I would have appreciated if they made him come back. He is the only one likable mouse in fiction to me.

That’s everything I wanted to say. Sorry for the long post, I’d like to know what other fans think of these issues. Bye!

  • hbi2k@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Bojack didn’t lose Hollyhock because of “some loathsome reporters.” He lost her by abandoning her for days with a senile old woman on one visit, dragging her around town looking for drugs on the next, and then showing up unannounced at her school acting incredibly clingy and not reading the room that she wanted some space.

    The reporters were the last straw, not the cause. If they’d had an overall good positive relationship up until that point, she’d have written it off as baseless Hollywoo gossip or asked him his side of it instead of cutting him off. They didn’t.

    • RantsOLot@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      d’aw :( you can’t hold 1 & 3 against him. he didn’t abandon her w a senile old woman, he was there with her, + her nurse, and there was no way anyone could’ve known she’d be dangerous. & 3, yeah, he was being clingy and i understand Hollyhock’s feeling suffocated, but just bc he didn’t immediately read between the lines and know isn’t his fault, part of that falls on her for not communicating that sooner, but he backed off once she said something about it. it wasn’t especially malicious or harmful or anything.

      • FanX99@alien.topOPB
        11 months ago

        To me, Hollyhoock wanted to keep some distance because she learned what Bojack had done at the party. Before, she had no problem if Bojack was around

    • FragrantLynx@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I’m glad someone said this because that sentence irked me. Most of what happened to BJ is a result of his own actions. Self-responsibility is a huge theme of the show and I’m surprised OP missed that.

      • hbi2k@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        Eh, it’s easy to have an in-depth and nuanced understanding of the themes when you’ve watched the show a dozen times. OP is on a first watch, you’re gonna miss some stuff, and since the story is told largely from Bojack’s perspective, it’s easy to fail to think about what the same events might look like from a different character’s perspective.