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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • hbi2k@alien.topBtoBoJack HorsemanJudah lied to Princess Carolyn
    10 months ago

    It is 100% a betrayal and Judah is most definitely in the wrong, and I think one of the most major casualties of the rushed final season is that it’s never brought up again when PC hires Judah back or when they get married.

    I don’t think it’s an unforgivable betrayal necessarily, but for it to be forgiven, Judah would have to have realized, on reflection, that it was wrong, and he’d have to verbalize that realization to get. And I’d like to think that he does come to that realization, but if he does, we as the audience don’t get to see it. The last time it is addressed, he is still defending it, and so for all we or PC know, he still thinks it was acceptable and there’s a very real possibility that the same thing happens again the next time he thinks he knows better than she does what is best for her.

  • Mr. PB works directly with Uncle Hanky. Directly. Their shows are heavily cross-promoted. They’re on billboards together.

    Does Diane need to be the one to take Uncle Hanky down? Not necessarily. There’s a lot of fucked up shit happening in the world all the time. Sometimes you’ve got to pick your battles.

    But when Mr. PB goes to work the next day, work that involves making nice with this actual rapist and promoting his show, he is now actively complicit in covering for his crimes. Why? So he can continue to live in a very nice house? So he doesn’t have to go back to work at Lady Footlocker? How do you look yourself in the mirror after that?