This isn’t a post speculating on anyone’s orientation, it’s just something I’ve been wondering about a lot recently.

As Bojack is leaving Herb’s house, he asks Herb whether his rectal cancer has anything to do with him being gay. Now Bojack is never shown being homophobic at any other point (barring a question he previously asked Herb out of curiosity at the worst possible time), but this remark is pretty biting and offensive. I’ve been wondering why exactly he said that.

  • Was he deliberately trying to hit Herb where it hurts (his cancer and his sexuality all at once) as revenge for Herb not forgiving him?

  • Was he trying to diffuse the situation and win Herb’s sympathy by making jokes, doing the thing they had bonded over and continued to bond over despite their history?

  • Was it a genuine question out of curiosity asked at the worst possible time?

I know this is a bit of overanalysis but I’m curious what everyone else thinks? I just find their dynamic and interactions very interesting.