I’ve seen people talk about actors and artists that had a terrible time.

My own would be Anne Rice. She wrote Interview with the Vampire after her young daughter died of Leukemia. Then her husband suddenly died of a brain hemorrhage. I suspect her Christian, anti-fanfic phase was a result of mental illness and manipulation from the publishers, although I don’t think she ever apologized.

  • biggyww@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yeah, I had that same question months ago and got the same “google it” response. So I did, and now I feel bad for her. She has been labeled a severe “trans-phobe” for espousing very traditional feminist beliefs. It’s super sad but not for the reasons this sub would have you believe. I’ve been here for years and I can safely say that the authors haven’t changed radically, but this sub really has. Thought censorship in a literature sub. Think real hard about that.

    • DangerOReilly@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      for espousing very traditional feminist beliefs.

      She is currently friends with and allies to and supportive of people and groups who are as far from “traditional feminist” as you can get. People like Matt Walsh. Groups like the “LGB Alliance”, which is made up of cis het people who want us all dead but it’s just convenient to start with the T. People who oppose abortion and marriage equality.

      If you want to read the words of a traditional feminist, I would recommend Right-Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin. It explains pretty well why women like JKR turn towards rightwing movements.

      • biggyww@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        So, I’m not from the UK and am not familiar with all the groups, but this is what Wikipedia says about LGB alliance: “The LGB Alliance describes its objective as “asserting the right of lesbians, bisexuals and gay men to define themselves as same-sex attracted”.” Your description of the group seems like it’s designed to mislead me even though you’re acting like you’re providing me with solid information. Basically, you smell like propaganda, and that’s a smell I’m trying to avoid thanks.

        • DangerOReilly@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          LOL, the propaganda is the LGB alliance which is NOT busied with the rights of anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.

          As someone actually IN that community, they do not represent me. They’re founded and supported by cis and heterosexual people who want to dictate what our community gets to do. They can fuck all the way off with that.

          • biggyww@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            Yeah, for better or worse, the vast majority of the world is “cis and heterosexual”, so using that as a reason to dismiss anything they say is not only logically incongruous with reality (where majority rule is the law of the land for very valid reasons), but it also forces people to draw battle lines unnecessarily. The trans community is asking people for some societal concessions that don’t make sense to much of the population, and instead of working to build coalitions when people express confusion, trans activists shout them down, label them, and dismiss them as “hateful”. From a political science perspective, it’s a slow rolling train wreck for minority rights. Not only is it a losing strategy for social change, but it alienates the minority group even further. It makes me sad. Truly.

            • DangerOReilly@alien.topB
              10 months ago

              If you’re heterosexual, you don’t get to create a group to promote any rights you think gays, lesbians or bisexuals should want.

              but it also forces people to draw battle lines unnecessarily

              Those lines are being drawn by cis het people actively trying to splinter the LGBTQ+ community. Hence a bunch of straight people creating things like. The LGB Alliance.

              Or people like JKR talking about lesbians and their dating interests, no matter how many lesbians tell her to get the hell out of this conversation.

              • biggyww@alien.topB
                10 months ago

                As a point of fact, nobody in the majority even has to form a club in order to set the social norms and mores for their society. We have a tradition of kindness and acceptance in the west, but it’s being interpreted falsely as a “right” of the minority groups to have anything they want, and that’s quite literally not part of the tradition.

                Demanding fair treatment because fairness is part of our social fabric is a far different thing than demanding fair treatment “or else”. As a cis male (adopting that nomenclature is a concession I’ve been making out of respect, because it was not part of my lexicon prior to trans activism), I’ve been told multiple times that I can’t be an ally to the lgbtq+ community because of how I was born. As soon as I heard that I was both crestfallen and terrified for the future of the community. That was 7 years ago and it’s only gotten worse.

                Please, just consider that I’m not saying I dislike you for who you are, but I think the way you’re engaging with this issue is counterproductive, and I can’t offer you support as you go about it.

                • DangerOReilly@alien.topB
                  10 months ago

                  but it’s being interpreted falsely as a “right” of the minority groups to have anything they want, and that’s quite literally not part of the tradition

                  Those “anything” we want being the right to live without being harrassed, assaulted or murdered. The right to get married. The right to form families. The right to medical care to address our needs. The right to not be discriminated against in housing or work environments.

                  You phrase it as if we’re threatening people, but all we want is to live a normal life in dignity, like everyone else. If that is “or else” to you, then it seems to me that you’ve already made up your mind about us.

                  And you’re still not acknowledging that the LGB Alliance was created by cis and heterosexual people. They formed an organization so they could tell us what we should want. They pretend to care about our rights but they won’t even listen to us and the organizations we already have.

                  I’ve been told multiple times that I can’t be an ally to the lgbtq+ community because of how I was born.

                  Being an ally is about your actions, not about your identity. I don’t care that you’re cis, that doesn’t impact my opinion.

                  The thing that makes me consider you not an ally? The way you speak about us. The way you don’t acknowledge the cis het misinformation and propaganda organization called LGB Alliance trying to splinter our community and NOT SPEAKING FOR US.

                  If you seriously intend to be an ally, then I would highly suggest that you reflect on your attitudes about us and listen to what we actually want. If our desires to live in safety and dignity, to form families and access medical care and not be discriminated against, is too much for you… then frankly, I don’t think you value fairness at all.

                  • biggyww@alien.topB
                    10 months ago

                    Yeah, at this point I’m not an ally to trans activists. As I’ve said repeatedly, I don’t approve of your tactics, so I don’t support your movement. You’re too angry to see that most of us are compassionate to your feelings, and all we’re asking is that you give the same respect to ours as we all try to figure this out together. Nobody “cis het” has to do anything to splinter you away from other groups. Your anger and hatred is doing that all on its own.

    • Lesmiserablemuffins@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      She’s been labelled a transphobe for being a transphobe lmao. “Traditional feminist beliefs” my ass.

      In the midst of a concentrated effort by conservatives across the US to ban books, it’s utterly ridiculous that you’re whining about “thought censorship” because people are criticizing JKRs transphobia. Criticism is censorship? Come on

      • biggyww@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        We are all entitled to our opinions. I think that trans activism has gone too far and I no longer support it, specifically because of interactions like this. I looked at what she said, and it wasn’t hateful at all, it just didn’t blindly support trans ideology. If you have some quotes of hers you wanna share that you think might change my mind, please do.

        • Cu_Chulainn__@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          I think that trans activism has gone too far and I no longer support it,

          You never did.

          I looked at what she said, and it wasn’t hateful at all, it just didn’t blindly support trans ideology.

          Because you have no probably with the discrimination of transpeople

          • Excellent_Pipe_1270@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            You know… you attitude of accusing everyone of being an enemy the moment they do not fully share your opinon always reminds me of the stories my grandfather told me about the Communists and Nazis. There was always a point where someone was not pure enough in his opinion and got thrown out of the groupe. Not saying you follow any of suche idologies but when you became so self-rightious and blind that you cannot see the other person as human being anymore that is flawed then you have lost your path.

        • Lesmiserablemuffins@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          I don’t care about changing your mind lmao, you’re a random asshole on the internet. I just wanted to point out how completely ridiculous you sound to label other people’s opinions of a famous person as censorship, but your bigoted opinions of normal everyday people you don’t think should have rights are somehow just harmless opinions nobody can comment on. Wild that you clearly consider yourself intelligent

    • LupinThe8th@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      “The whole I must be right, people are disagreeing with me” PS says a lot more about you than this sub.

      And classifying Rowling’s crusade as “traditional feminist beliefs” is laughable. And “thought censorship”, where do you get this garbage? People expressing their feelings are a threat to yours, apparently.

      • falling-waters@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        The basics of her ideology is that women exist as the female sex class, that they deserve spaces away from males for basic safety, that lesbians exist and deserve not to be pressured to have sex with natal males… this is the most basic feminist thought possible. Do you even know what the urinary leash is?

        • DangerOReilly@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          How many lesbians have to tell you or this woman to stop speaking for us? JKR is a cis het woman. She has no right to talk for what lesbians want.

          Stop using us actual queers to justify hatred against our siblings. We’re a package deal. All of us or none of us.

    • royalsanguinius@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      😂😂😂saying “transphobia bad” isn’t thought censorship you clown. God forbid we don’t have espouse bigotry and call out those who do. JK Rowling is a full on transphobic piece of shit. Trans people are people and deserve to be treated as people, not like some kind of fucking oddity. If you can’t handle that that’s your problem. If you want to support transphobia…well that’s definitely your problem. The rest of us meanwhile will continue trying to be decent non-bigoted people🤷‍♂️

      Oh, and downvotes don’t prove your point and thinking that they do…well it’s laughable

    • Inner-Bison-3756@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Exactly. She’s not a transpose for having a difference of opinion. People donate to the NRA and don’t get called child murderers. The J.K hate is absolutely rediculous and overblown.

      • falling-waters@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        See: Stephen King’s continued defense of the child orgy scene and everybody loves him. Just the idea that he could be a pedophilic himself never surfaces. Would not be the case if this was Rowling.