Episode 4 - It’s Been a While

Mark answers the call to save an alien species, but the mission has unexpected personal consequences.

Full cast, crew and characters

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  • Pathogen188@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Still though wish we also got the line about Mark not catching a breath considering they now can’t to the homage later.

    IMO it makes more sense in the context of the show’s timeline with the more extended training arc with Nolan before the S1 finale. Mark’s simply had more training and more difficult fights at this point than he did at this point in the comics and he’s in comparatively better shape. In the comic, the fight with Nolan was Mark’s first serious beat down, but he’d already been put through the ringer several times before fighting Nolan in S1 and has had tough fights so far this season. Comic Mark spent more time coasting on his baseline Viltrumite powers in fights whereas Show Mark is pushed to the limit way more frequently.

    • Medium-Science9526@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      It makes sense why Mark is stronger but still the presence of the other Viltrumites being that much stronger was better imo. They didn’t need to have the moment to teach Mark to train I agree since he already had that with Nolan, but to give him more fear of the other Viltrumites, alongside as I said specifically for the choke one since it’s used later in a ironic way.

      Also, just like with the Lucan chase scene it adds tension to the situation for Mark. Emphasing again the strength of the Viltrumites and what Mark has to fear in the future.