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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • I’m hoping they stay 1-1 with her at least up until post reboot. Keep her more stoic personality and more passive approach as it parallels well for when the send Conques down instead when it’s clear he isn’t making progress and then with the rape it adds to the surprise factor from who was seemingly one of the better Viltrumites doing that by testing her impatience until she snaps & embraces the “Viltrumite way”.

    The reason I say at least until post reboot is the whole kinda redemption thing with her is very controversial, from Nolan’s reaction of when he learns about it and her infamously saying she doesn’t regret it rubbing many the wrong way. So maybe some pacing issues there could be ironed out along with some of the resolution there.

  • I would be shocked if we got Marvel anywhere in this, At best maybe another Image comics property that Kirkman worked on but mainly the expansion of Omnipotus is my guess for that. I expect the Allen waking up and speaking to Mark but kidnapped already I’d be pretty surprised of that happened s03.

    A little thing I think will still happen though is having Mark leads the Sequids to get the Invincible parade to overcast what Rex did so when Mark is appreciative of what Redz did they friendship starts to form so we can get moments like Multi-Paul.

  • Medium-Science9526@alien.topBtoInvincibleWHY?
    10 months ago

    Like sfinney, said. A lot of Nolan’s development was already underway and pretty much teased from his intial disdain about finding out Mark had powers. Leading up to him leaving Earth because he could go through with killing imhis son and ended up abandoning his post, the sole reason he went to Earth in the first place, because he had fundamentally changed. Thus no reason he would want a rematch with Mark.

    As for the character criticism Nolan is obviously important to the story of Invincible, but Mark is firmly the main character so we’ll always be viewing events from his pov most the time with exceptions like Allen’a story. Its a coming of age story for him so if you don’t like the “cringey” dialogue and relationships it’s probably not the show for you going forward.

  • From my perspective its valid to list legitimate criticisms from how the show is being adapted, shows we care about the product and aren’t afraid to take note of its positives and negatives. And outside of 2 specific omissions from the latest episode the feedback I’ve seen on this sub has still been overwhelming positive, especially for s02ep03.

    When you start to just take what you get at face value and ignore/let go of the issues imo you’re just saying you’ll be happy regardless of the quality of the show as long as it above average in terms of comic adaptions when it’s been great so far.

  • I’m glad the show had the hug but I too wish they had the crying. And just the general standoff nature of Mark I didn’t prefer in the show, it’s good point to take it from a level of maturity that Mark has after the breakdown but during it, it was another level of immaturity wanting Nolan to turn back time out of desperation. Even with the rearranged order of the show to the books I think it could’ve still worked since we still get a passage of time and a period Mark’s life where he’s happy after Nolan but I digress.

    Yeah the Mark and Rex friendship is what I’m really hoping for, the Art interaction I’m unsure if it happens after he comes back and to coincide with >!Nolan’s books!< since it wqs an important moment of showing Mark being happy for the first time after Nolan left alongside getting him to visit Debbie more with the last being applicable >!which he’ll have more reason for with Oliver about.!< However the former has been passed.

    For Rex I hope it’s hammed up in the >!Sequids/Lizard League during the Invincible parade they show Mark showing appreciation to Rex who’s work was swept under the rug in comparison.!>

    With Eve >!idk how they are gonna deal with arc since she’s returned home already, Amber has already been to her Treehouse so that side of the unrequited love arc either ain’t happening or somehow happening another way. I still think she will have the talk with Mark about Nolan and be the distraction for Angstrom to get Debbie!<.

  • Yeah I’ve been watching s01 at the moment and whilst it’s clear the animation quality is worse and I feel some moments weren’t handled great like Mark’s outburst against the flaxans was animated a bit oddly. The scope of some of the fights like >!Omni-Man in the Flaxan dimension!<, the pacing with one’s like >!Omni-Man vs the Guardians, Invincible & Eve vs Doc Seismic, and Mark, Titan & the Guardians vs Machine Head were strong.!<

    As for how it stacks with s02, I’d still say they’re on the same relative level with pacing and spectical until you get to s02ep04 which at this point should’ve had the grandest scope of any fight in the series given the stakes and importance of the arc. But I came away thinking >!Omni-Man vs Invincible!< was better in every facet. The stakes were diminished a bit with >!how competent Mark was in his fight!< the interpretations didn’t help making the fight feel as well paced, for those of us that read the book there was some glaring ommitions >!with the choke moment, the flying from Lucan moment, and general damage inflicted onto Mark!< and no additions unlike the finale of s01.

    I do hope episode 7/8 live up to being better beautiful even then what happened in a02ep04 should’ve had the same level, if not higher given how pivotal it was as an arc to the entire series.

  • Hell no. >!Conquezt or Anisa take the Guardians out easily, Nolan & Mark early on at this point struggled with the Viltrumites on Thrxa let alone a invasion. And then Thrgg on top of it making minced meat out of everyone?!<

    Even if Cecil knew of the >!equilibrium weakness and Robot was somehow able to create the armoured suits that emit that frequency, Thrgg seemed fine in handling that, the other Viltrumites too later on in the finale. They’d need the weaknesses Nolan discovered from his books and even then we’re talking about killing all the Viltrumites instead of redeeming them.!< I don’t see any world where Earth wins that.

  • Definitely not deconstruction imo. More like admiration/love letter to Superheroes considering it parodies/reuse some common and/or iconic moments in Superhero comics whilst fitting it into the context of Invincible.

    The only parts I can see where the arguement potentially works is >!“being a hero is bullshit” and Nolan’s betrayal but considering the turn around of the latter, and the former being a family situation where Mark still expresses wanting to help people above all else by the end.!< I don’t see it.