• tiffanaih@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I wish we got more of PC and Judah, but Bojack shouldn’t have been able to coast out of yet another scandal realistically, although I guess thats the joke, celebrities just keep on swimming no matter how shitty they are. He had to grow up, Diane had to move on, PB had to restart his cycle.

    • Antonioooooo0@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      He wouldn’t really have needed to get out of it to extend the show. They could have just spaced it out so the other characters got more screen time and ended it the exact same way.

  • trexeric@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think you could’ve split the two-part last season into just two seasons. But I think it turned out good the way it was.

  • Xx_crow_crow_xX@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think it could’ve gone on longer. But I like how they ended the show.

    For all the arcs they covered- I think they could’ve gotten away with 2 more seasons.

    6 would’ve just covered Bojack in rehab & getting back into the work force and showing his struggle with running out of money. What pb’s depression tour was more indepth- and if we saw pickles & johnny pogos relationship

    7- would be bj living with pb- what would it look like. Todd and Maude’s relationship, Diane and guy’s relationship, Pc & Judah. And we would’ve gotten to see Ruthie grow a little bit. But this would also be where we got PC’s wedding & Bojack in jail.

    8- could’ve been after jail era- where we see how jail and rehab affected bojack- and if he falls back into his old patterns especially with a new agent. If Pc and Judah brought more kids in and how vim changed/ grew. Seeing if Todd and maude got married. Seeing if Diane ever made up with bojack, if Diane and guy ever had kids- seeing how sunny and Diane’s relationship changed. Seeing if Diane had commercial success and if her book was made into a TV show or a movie. As well- we’d see pb doing his own thing and truly what that looks like. We would also get to see hollyhock and if she ever forgives Bojack.

    I think that would be the max that it would be able to be spread out, because my only gripe is how long of a time span 6 takes.

  • JaDamian_Steinblatt@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    One season too short.

    PC deserved a better storyline to wrap up the show. This is borderline sacrilege on this sub but I wasn’t satisfied with “oh I guess my assistant was in love with me this whole time? Cool we’re married now.”

    It feels rushed and pointless and unearned. They show precisely zero seconds of PC and Judah together as a couple.

    • Doggosrthebest24@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I don’t have a problem with PC’s ending. Yes, we could’ve seen more. But they had great platonic chemistry and that relationship was developed thoroughly. It’s not a stretch that they could be in love with each other and we’ve seen how PC is able to truly be with someone and that she was able to trust Judah again and rely on him

      • tuigger@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        I felt that they had no romantic chemistry at all. It didn’t work for me and I wanted better for PC.

        On the other hand, I bet Judah would make a wonderful parent, so w/e.

        • senator_john_jackson@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          I don’t think they had demonstrated much sexual chemistry, but they definitely had what each other needed. Their personalities are very different, but complimentary. PC is mostly charisma and drive; Judah is quiet competence and organization. PC will go all out for anybody but herself, and Judah will anticipate and meet her needs. They’re also both cool being in a triad with work as the third partner, which is something they both need.

  • mgorgey@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think you could have had two further series.

    It felt like the conclusions for the characters were very rushed in the final episode.

    I think you could run series 6 as normal up until the final 2 episodes… Then have BJ sent to jail without the rest of the Halfway down episode… We would then have had a series with Bojack in jail. Seeing how he gets on there, makes progress, deals with drugs inside etc but most of the focus would be on the other main characters. We would have PC getting with Judah, Diane getting engaged, further Todd development with his mother etc.

    Then for the final series Bojack gets released. We can follow him as he tries to build bridges with his hold friends and sees how there lives have moved on without him. We could see him try and put his life back together and what he would do next. This series would then culminate with altered versions of the final 2 episodes we actually got.

  • Bleezze@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Why is this the only two options op? I think most people thought it ended to shortly, since even the creators had intended to keep it going until Netflix cut it short. After season 5 I thought for sure there was only gona be 1 or 2 more seasons, since it felt like the story was about to wrap up. Going 9 seasons would have been milking it imo. I think it ended on a high note, left us wanting more but still giving us a very satisfying conclusion to the story. I do think many of the other characters got their ending cut short, like Todd for an example. Wish we could have seen a bit more about him and his family situation and Maddie. So to me the ending for Bojack was amazing, but other characters could have benefited from a couple more episodes.

    But it could be way worse lol, we could have gotten an Attack on Titan ending