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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I think you could have had two further series.

    It felt like the conclusions for the characters were very rushed in the final episode.

    I think you could run series 6 as normal up until the final 2 episodes… Then have BJ sent to jail without the rest of the Halfway down episode… We would then have had a series with Bojack in jail. Seeing how he gets on there, makes progress, deals with drugs inside etc but most of the focus would be on the other main characters. We would have PC getting with Judah, Diane getting engaged, further Todd development with his mother etc.

    Then for the final series Bojack gets released. We can follow him as he tries to build bridges with his hold friends and sees how there lives have moved on without him. We could see him try and put his life back together and what he would do next. This series would then culminate with altered versions of the final 2 episodes we actually got.

  • I don’t think he was ever working towards a goal of having sex with Penny. I really don’t think that’s what he wanted to happen… right up until he left the door open.

    However, unintendedly his behaviour DID effectively groom her. Basically all the grooming check boxes are ticked.

    So yes, I think Bojack did groom Penny but I don’t think at any point that he was doing so on purpose or that any of his actions up to leaving the door open were motivated by a desire to sleep with her.

  • A clarification…

    Bojack did not give her Heroin. Sarah Lynn found the heroin in Bojack’s car and wanted to take it.

    Sarah Lynn is the person who is by far the most responsible for the downfall of Sarah Lynn . She died at 32. She wasn’t a little girl. She had ample opportunity to take responsibility for herself and grow but didn’t. Never took her sobriety seriously and was an early death waiting to happen because of it.

    We don’t even know the 17 minute wait actually caused her death. Yes, Bojack was shitty in inviting her to “party” but she was living in a house made of drugs! If it hadn’t been him it would have been someone else.