Serious question; after what happened in Season 1, there’s no way he’d not have serious PTSD. Debbie too for that matter!
This could have been a pretty engaging character point; instead it seems kind of weird how Mark is just “fine” while Debbie is breaking down alone and no one, not even Cecil, has recommended they get a therapist.

  • DrPeroxide@alien.topOPB
    10 months ago

    Therapy is mental health medical treatment, analogous to physical medical treatment; albeit with entirely unique challenges, it is just as important to maintain ones mental health with as much care as ones physical health. After being beaten to pieces by his own father, Mark was treated for his physical wounds, but not his mental ones. Why not?

    As for your analogy, it covers a very specific minority of people, who went through a vastly different experience. PTSD is not the same for everyone, it varies massively depending on the specific circumstances of what happened and how it impacted the victim.

    I think you’re coming at this in bad faith and with a very narrow view point.

    • Infiniteblaze6@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      After being beaten to pieces by his own father, Mark was treated for his physical wounds, but not his mental ones. Why not?

      Because you don’t need a doctor for minor injuries or sicknesses. Which is what this is to Mark. Had they left Mark on that mountain and not given him medical treatment, he still would’ve healed due to his powers. The physical treatment was undeeded.

      Which goes into the next point:

      As for your analogy, it covers a very specific minority of people,

      Mark is the minority of people. A mental injury suxh as this is minor for him and he can heal on his own.

      Which again is the point of his character. He’s Invincible because of his will and mind, not because of his body. There is nothing you can do to him to permanently keep him down outside of straight up killing him.

      Besides he’ll go through far worse in the future. Such as >! Being raped and missing years of his daughters life due to unwilling time travel !<