I know it’s been talked about already, but based on this meeting with his mother, the pictures, and so on, it seems as though Nikki really did some emotional damage by hiding who she really was and the effect it had on him. The look on the mom’s face when she talked about the stress he went through when he came back was super telling. I fully support the community, but I do think Nikki should have told him from the jump. He was just a young kid and it seems as though this relationship really messed with his head. It’s really sad.

  • Des1225@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Can we also talk about her predator tactics to get him to sleep with her? She is constantly pressuring him and saying some crazy ass shit because he doesn’t physically feel the same after her lies. If this was a man doing this to a woman it would be OVER for that guy and he would’ve been canceled. Igor is actually a victim.

    • Am_I_hungry_Ofcourse@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      True! If the roles were reversed, people would be in more of an uproar. If Igor was in his 30s and Nikki was 19 when they met, it wouldn’t be right and would be grooming. Throw in that he deceived her and only told the truth to get even.

      Igor’s mom said he was deeply troubled for YEARS after the break up. That’s because he was a young man manipulated and groomed by an older woman when he was not emotionally mature enough to handle the power imbalance. Now add that she didnt disclose she was trans. We see him in the present, as a grown man that has had years to process the truth, struggling and still working through the truth and I think it has taken him a long time to do accept the truth and be ok with it. So imagine how that felt as a 19-21 year old. Imagine how the world was 10-15 years ago.

      She definetly has caused him trauma. If he was a woman, we would say he was a victim.

      • Des1225@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Everything you said was spot on. Nikki is a straight up predator.

        The fact of the matter is there is nothing wrong with Nikki being trans, but being transparent is so important because not everybody feels comfortable with that lifestyle choice. I can only imagine it traumatized him and had him questioning himself and everything.

    • Focalina@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      While I agree this is insane, men quite literally do this alllllllllll the time. Being overtly sexual when their partner is clearly not interested in intercourse as well as guilting them for not having sex (blue balls who???). What makes it crazy is how this is being broadcasted on a show.

      Edit: also the age gap at the time they met was awful too, I feel for Igor.