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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023

  • True! If the roles were reversed, people would be in more of an uproar. If Igor was in his 30s and Nikki was 19 when they met, it wouldn’t be right and would be grooming. Throw in that he deceived her and only told the truth to get even.

    Igor’s mom said he was deeply troubled for YEARS after the break up. That’s because he was a young man manipulated and groomed by an older woman when he was not emotionally mature enough to handle the power imbalance. Now add that she didnt disclose she was trans. We see him in the present, as a grown man that has had years to process the truth, struggling and still working through the truth and I think it has taken him a long time to do accept the truth and be ok with it. So imagine how that felt as a 19-21 year old. Imagine how the world was 10-15 years ago.

    She definetly has caused him trauma. If he was a woman, we would say he was a victim.

  • I agree. It was awkward and rude and we understand why it needs to happen but it still was unpleasant to watch. I guess they have to ask themselves - do I want to upset my spouse, make them look like a jerk on TV, cause problems within our relationship, make myself look like a control freak while I try to profit off all of this or do I want to live privately, work on my disaster of a relationship and not have the world watching while I get a real job and support myself like everyone else?

  • It’s so funny you say this. Something feels off about the mom and Sophie’s stories and I couldnt put my finger on it. I was thinking maybe the mom had some affair with the dad or a one night stand with a wealthy guy that just paid her off or set up a trust but has never been in her life. She doesnt really speak about him and she said her family had money but she didnt know from what.

  • I dont want to defend Sarper and comment on how he would be as a father or treat a pregnant Shekinah. But I do give him a little grace in regards to the son he has. I think he acted like many 18 year old young men when they find out they got someone pregnant. I don’t think he had the emotional maturity to deal with it. He was able to compartmentalize the situation and put it out of his mind. He does say that a few years later, he regretted doing that.

    I didn’t find his behavior that unusual. He knew he had made a mistake and wanted to fix it. It’s not an excuse, just an explanation.

  • This!!! I was pretty bored last night. So sick of the Gino and Jasmine sex crap. It is in no way, shape or form entertaining or amusing. Rob gets worse every episode and now we find out he has money to care for a dog but is outraged she would suggest an apartment with a bathroom and indoor plumbing. The only thing that was interesting was trying to figure out what was going on with her hair. We already know Nikki/Justin wont last.

    Do we really need to see another white girl/asian male couple whose parents don’t approve?? Where is closet mom???!!! At this point, we dont even care about the couple connected to closet mom, we just want to know what that story is. TLC is really messing with us. They know we want to see her but are shoving this other stupid crap down our throats. Sadists!!