Seriously I had boyfriends before I got married who tried to be like “oh I should have visitation with the dog” or “I should get the dog every other weekend,” and when we broke up they would try to claim that I would be like FUCK NO! I’m very happily married now but if something were to happen and my husband were to try to take my dog, there is no way In hell that would pass.
I had a friend whose ex took his dog. He called me in the middle of the night sobbing worried he would be In trouble if he went after it (he was an immigrant). I went to her house with a baseball bat to get the dog back. Fk anyone who tries to take a dog out of revenge.
I’m basically a pipsqueak and I would take a baseball bat to anyone who tried to take my dog.
Danielle got countered with the ‘I bought it so don’t take it’ she came up with herself. When she did it to him it was alright but when he used her own petty tactics against her she started crying and fussing like a little baby. Danielle has zero accountability and self reflection. Embarrassing behavior.
Also, with whose money did he buy that dog?
My boyfriend co-parents his dog with his ex. It made sense (to them) at the time because they share two kids and so they treated the dog as a third kid, trading houses whenever the kids did. But now… The poor dog is 16 and is being schlepped from house to house. His ex isn’t the best mom but kids are verbal and can express their needs (i’m hungry, i’m tired etc). She has cats and she often finds the dog eating from the cat food. I mean there are solutions for that (keep the cat food at a high place etc)
I just feel sooooooo bad for this dog.
I give up. This is stupid and it’s honestly turned into y’all tearing apart a truly traumatic experience In my life for the sake of being politically correct or holier than though or feeling superior. I thought it was fucked up he took her dog. If half of you had to say face to face to me what you have said here I don’t think you would say it. I revealed a history where an abusive ex took advantage of me financially, manipulated me, cheated on me with sex workers, tried to take my dog and then threatened to sue me over it and somehow I’m offensive. Cool, dudes 🤗