Source; I live in their town and shop at the grocery store next to their apartments. This is the only one-bedroom apartment floor plan available there. Rent is $865/month. Note that the bedroom closet is the only closet.
Source; I live in their town and shop at the grocery store next to their apartments. This is the only one-bedroom apartment floor plan available there. Rent is $865/month. Note that the bedroom closet is the only closet.
In my mind their apartment is 80 degrees and humid (27 C) and smells like… breath. That is just too many living beings in that crowded space and I am sure the ventilation isn’t top tier, Like I feel like I could rake the carpet and come up with enough skin cells to clone them haha
No way it smells like “breath” with all those small animals that live there. The smell of their cages/food is definitely overwhelming that apartment