You wanted to read the book, you were excited to crack it open, you came into it with good faith and anticipation… but you ended up dnf-ing it. Which book and why?

Mine was The Maid by Nita Prose. It was for my book club and looked like a fun murder mystery. Instead I got instant manic-pixie-dream-neurodivergent-girl vibes, and I noped out before the crime scene was even found.

  • DallasMotherFucker@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I forget exactly how far I made it but it was definitely less than 50 pages and maybe more like 10 before I gave up on Atlas Shrugged.

    A former SO read it and liked it. Weirdly, she was not at all conservative or libertarian before or after she read it. She didn’t even seem to pick up on the heavyhanded message, and said she just liked the story.