Honestly - if my husband: -lied to my about my role in the marriage until immediately after the marriage -let his family ice me out -completely disregards my feelings -disregards the fact that I am depressed & tells me it’s a personal problem -gaslight the shit out of me every time I tried to talk about my feelings

I would probably scream too. I hear ya Kimberly! I’m starting to feel manic for her

  • Prestigious_vibe5505@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Well the Bitch had to know Google to get signed up for the show……so she can’t claim that she or her family never had the opportunity to find out what she was signing herself up for.

    • Ill_Reading_5290@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      We’ve had quite a few Indian people and white people married into Indian families comment on how TJ’s family is not normal so I don’t think Google would have helped her. Indian culture is not a monolith… it hasn’t even been United as a singular nation for very long.

      • Disastrous-Bother-33@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        In India there are many different sub cultures but I can tell you for sure that all of them (except the westernized folk especially from upper middle class to higher) live somewhat the way TJ and his family live.

        1. most indian families are known to live together. If you watch a Hindi teledrama on Netflix you’ll know what this entails.

        2. Indian families treat their mothers like gods and hold their word to the highest regard. So calling him a titty baby isn’t even an insult to him. I’m sure he’s wondering what the fuck she even means by that.

        3. the younger son is treated like a baby.

        These are very common things among Indian cultures that you can find through Google (go to Netflix, YouTube or so many other websites with documentaries and TV shows).

        • Setsuna85@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Kimberly was aware of this, she even asked TJ if she would be expected to do the house manager role and he lied and told her no.

          Why are so many people ignoring that this happened?

          • lokofloko@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            Yeah. She knew what she was getting into and when she asked questions he omitted facts (lied). When she asked more questions he just did his stupid cheesy toothy smile and cocked his head sideways. And again deflected. She asked. He just didn’t answer. And she had been there before. He probably most likely as per usual omitted things once again or painted things in such a light so she would be okay with it.

            Both are to blame. Him constantly omitting truths and deflecting and her thinking she can go into a family with her American ways and get her way. She knew what she was getting into (on the family level, how tight knit it is and how living arrangements and things would be.) She thought she could have it her way and has now ran into a wall and she can’t handle it. She is definitely not blameless in all of this.

            TJ shoulda just married a Hindu girl. His brother is smart in saying when he gets married he is marrying a Hindu girl. She knows the program and will hit the ground running.

            • Setsuna85@alien.topB
              10 months ago

              Yeah good points. It was naive she took him at his word cause he does seem to have been lying or withholding info all throughout the relationship and he definitely should’ve just married a Hindu girl, I’m genuinely confused why he didn’t…