I definitely don’t think these two will have a healthy relationship and I think they need to separate ASAP. But I also feel like shekinah was being a little unfair to the baby conversation. Tell him that her ex made her raise a kid alone and that she doesn’t wanna do it again- but not giving him the opportunity to prove different. Her ex husband didn’t work out in marriage so she could say the same things about marriage but she’s not. If she doesn’t wanna have a baby that’s 100% her choice and her line to draw but I feel like using her past as an excuse is unfair to sarper. He can’t change what happened and he can’t show her the future. Deny him a baby because you don’t want your body to go through that not this “well my ex did this and that” I feel like that’s a really immature way to view things. Same with Mary’s “I’m insecure because I’ve been done wrong” I get it that it’s hard to think someone will do you right after so many failures. But to hold you current partner that you say you trust, love, and want a future with accountable for YOUR past is unfair. There’s plenty of reasons for them to not have a baby but her dwelling on that just irks me and feels very high school

  • Educational-Trade323@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Just adding a few random theories into the mix for fun. Shekinah could have given Sarper a laundry list of reasons why and TLC just picked the reason that was the “juiciest” to air. She also never really talks about her age so it could also be a case of her deflecting from that convo. Or maybe she thinks Sarper wouldn’t accept “I don’t want to” as a reason at all. OR (this is my favorite theory) deep down she knows that Sarper isn’t a good guy and this is going to end badly just like it did with her ex and she doesn’t want a kid caught in the mix this time. In which case, good for her.